Protack Accepts GOP Gub Nomination Defeat…I mean Independent Party Endorsement….same difference.

Filed in National by on May 13, 2008

A feisty Mike Protack is entitled to play the feisty Ind Party endorsement any feisty way he wants.

However, I think a better feisty move would to have been a “feisty Republican” and say something like:

“I’m an American first and a Republican second. I’m going to win the Republican nomination and win the general election as a proud Republican. I’m gratified that the Independent party has endorsed my vision for the future and in the weeks ahead I plan to win the support of voters throughout Delaware regardless of their party affiliation.

That would have been feisty.

But nooooooo….

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (24)

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  1. First Mate says:

    An admission of defeat if I ever saw one.

  2. RSmitty says:

    Is he a fusion candidate? God bless him if he is, it’s his right, seriously.

    Wait…is he really a candidate for anything yet?

  3. truth teller says:

    thanks for keeping me informed on whats going on in the Repub party. It appears that Mike could use a lesson or two from the iron Lady

  4. Pandora says:

    TT, you just can’t help yourself, can you?

  5. cassandra m says:

    Mike could use a lesson or two from the iron Lady

    Two words, Mike:

    Pant Suits

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    Protack told Loudell he’s pursuing the GOP nomination but will appear on the Nov. ticket as candidate for the Indies.

    That means all the GOPers who like Mike, who won’t vote for the GOP establishment candidate Lee if given an alternative other than a Dem, will now vote for Protack.

    Lee faced long odds the way it is. Barring anything unforeseen–tragic accident, arrest, nuclear holocaust before Nov, etc.–Protack has made the Lee campaign’s chance of success a near impossibility.

    Protack couldn’t possibly have come up w/ better revenge.

  7. jason330 says:

    That is pretty spot on. You can stick a fork in Lee.

  8. Jason,

    I attached my statement to the press below. You are focusing on the IPOD statement which is accurate but again that is their focus.

    This endorsement is far from what you portray it as. It is a clear demonstration of reaching out across party lines which is what trumpeted last year in the State Senate race as a positive thing.
    This race has a lot of dynamic changes and we got out ahead on this one in s smart way.

    I am very confident about the GOP nomination. All along we have polled even with Bill and I look forward to the upcoming months.

    Here you go with an excerpt. Have a good night.
    Mr. Protack viewed this endorsement as an increasing sign of the coalition of citizens who in November will select a new Governor and a new Direction for Delaware. Many of the issues that are important to the IPOD are the same as both Republicans and Democrats, and other Independent minded voters all considered by Mr. Protack as THE CITIZENS. “I am a candidate for Governor of the State of Delaware,” Mr. Protack said, “I am a Republican but I am also a Delawarean. We need to promote Open Government, Better Education, Health Care for Everyone, Cleaner Environment, Alternative Energy, Law and Order, and streamline delivery of services to our citizens,” all issues supported by the IPOD.

    “Sunday morning after the Republican convention, I was in Sussex County meeting with a group of Korean War Veterans.”, Mr. Protack said. “I am continuing what I started last year, running for Governor.
    Meeting with groups and discussing my 50 Ideas for Delaware and how we, the people, can recapture our Pride and Trust of government. As I said during my debates with Jack Markell and John Carney, I can offer a perspective that neither of them can provide. I am not bound by the empty results of recent history or the dead weight of tradition.”

  9. So is it fair to say Jason is now a fan of fusion?

  10. liberalgeek says:

    No, combustion.

  11. jason330 says:

    Mike M,

    Nope. Protack should have turned down the endorsement. He lost more than he gained in my opinion.

    Mike P,

    The News Journal used just the juciest bit of your statement to make the story into the one they wanted,…? Gasp!

    Get me to my fainting couch.

  12. This endoresement was and is a big plus but Thanks for your thoughts.

  13. RickJ19958 says:

    If I was polling dead even with the presumptive nominee, I would release the results of that professionally done poll to everyone.

    More likely it’s an informal poll of the Protack family, and he still hasn’t pulled ahead.

  14. Rob Foraker says:

    I can force a Primary in the IPOD…..

  15. Rob Foraker says:

    No, I can’t…..DARN

  16. I would be glad to do so. In fact I did it in February and I shared the results with state chair and Castle’s staff.

    Jason, let me know. Be glad to.

  17. RickJ19958 says:

    A poll from before February? Timely and informative, as always.

    Can you think of anything that has happened between now and then that may have affected the voter recognition and name identity of either candidate? Rhymes with ‘monvention maft’?

  18. RickJ19958 says:

    I also note that you’re slipping back into the third person when you write your press releases. Be careful with that.

  19. Al Mascitti says:

    I just got finished interviewing Protack, who insists having his name on the ballot as an independent won’t hurt the Republicans in November, even if Lee wins the primary.

  20. RSmitty says:

    Al – I snarkily agree!

  21. I don’t write the releases but Thanks.

    The poll was run after Levin got out after never getting in the race.

    Lee, Protack, Spence, Burris and Buckson were in the poll and only GOP primary voters were polled (1400 responses). We were in a dead heat 37% with Lee and Spence was 13% and the other guys were in low single digits.

    It was a good baseline poll. It was sent to over 400 active Republicans. I shared the results with Terry Strine, a member of Mr. Castle’s staff and Terry Spence.

    In March and April Lee and Spence ruled themselves out of the race or we would have polled again.

    We have used the numerous surveys we have done to gather very valuable issue and attitude information on two thirds of the likely GOP primary voters. That information is accurate and very timely.

  22. RickJ says:

    From what I’ve gathered from your surveys, you always are pleased with the results. However, when actual votes are counted, you tend to end up on the short end of the stick.

    You also say you polled over 400 active Republicans. How many of those Republicans were delegates? It would appear that your numbers didn’t correlate to that active Republican voting block.

    Maybe you just aren’t asking the right questions…

    Maybe you aren’t asking the right questions.

  23. Al Mascitti says:

    From the sound of it, those results mirror pure name recognition. And of course, it doesn’t let us know what will happen when Spence and the unknowns aren’t in the equation.

  24. Call Me Crazy says:

    So, who writes your press releases Mike? Your other personality?