Liberalgeek Pandora blogged on this yesterday, but you just have to check out these pictures from the Oregon Obama rally.
Just think about what this country could accomplish if we were united inthe pursuit of peace, justice and economic opportunity.
Bush/Burris/Castle/McCain types think the world is too dangerous a place now and that we can’t live up to those lofty ideals expressed by our founding fathers, but I agree with Obama.
Yes we can!
Correction, Pandora posted on it.
It is impressive. And I see joy on many faces.
Sorry Pandora.
You give Bush, Castle, and McCain too much credit. This begins and ends with Dve Burris. – Dana Garrett
I meant to say…
“Bush/Burris/Castle/McCain/RickJ types”
Dude…Waldo is in the 54th row, 5th person from the left!
Jason, don’t worry about. I could look at these pictures all day!
A promotion! And here I thought I’d be a bootlicker for all my natural days…
You damned bootlicker.
OMG – Cult of Personality! It’s just like Hitler! It’s InSANE!!!!
Thanks for the preview of the GOP talking point.
That’s not Oregon; it’s the Reichstag!
Speaking of the white race, did anyone read that screed from Kathleen Parker (a syndicated OpEd, ran in the Post, etc… )…stating Obama isn’t Red-blooded American enough to be President? – Or basically supporting some of the arguments (really just a rationalization for racism) that came out of some WV voters.
She agrees with the bigots who say since Obama is a first-generation American (I guess his mother doesn’t count!), his blood-line hasn’t had the appropriate amount of sacrifice (whatever that means) to be president….never mind that Obama’s maternal grandfather served in the US military during WWII.
The reek of desperation is palatable already?!? And it’s only May!
Thomas Jefferson’s mother was born in London. I guess he wasn’t good enough to write the Declaration of Independence.
At least she spoke English and worshipped the right sky-dad.
If this was in black and white you could title it “The Triumph of the Hope.” Actually, I thought it looked more like Woodstock.
Obama: “Don’t take the brown acid!”
(And by brown acid I mean there’s some Clinton campaign literature circulating out there, it’s giving people bad trips.)
Wow. Obama drew a huge crowd in an uber-liberal state. Shocker.
Did anyone listen to Rick Jensen yesterday? He must get GOPer talking points in his inbox at work.
We will need someone to get a Jensen Watch going.
turns out this was actually a free concert by the Decemberists. check it out here Just FWIW.
Yeah. I read some of those wingnut theories yesterday.
Hilarious. it is impossible to parody these guys nowadays.
OMG, I think it is a good sign that I laughed my ass off at that link. The Decemberists… Ha
I love the third picture…
The comments are priceless. They’re just jealous that Chuck Norris isn’t that kind of draw.