Delaware Liberal

Umm… Isn’t there a Primary tomorrow?

As I surf the net, admittedly more than I should, one thing stands out. Where are all the articles on the upcoming Kentucky and Oregon primaries? I’m not saying that blogs like Taylor Marsh and Hillaryis44 are giving an inch, but Jerome over at mydd seems to have accepted that Obama is the nominee and has now moved on to promote Clinton’s New Role.

Not that I’m popping the champagne yet. A lot depends on how and when Hillary exits. What will her Kentucky victory speech sound like? Will she set the stage for her withdrawal, or will she push onward and make more references to the convention? Personally, I think she drops out sooner rather than later, but it doesn’t matter what I think, or even what Hillary knows. What matters is what her supporters believe.

And they believe in Hillary. They believe if she loses the nomination it’s because of sexism, because Obama, not Bill Clinton, played the race card… because the race was rigged against her. And many of them aren’t budging on these points. It’s Hillary or bust.

Guess I’m watching TV tomorrow night. What will Hillary say after winning Kentucky? What should she say? What shouldn’t she say? How does she stay true to her ardent supporters and bring this primary season to a close?

So yes, there is a primary tomorrow, but the results won’t change the message. Only Hillary can do that. I’m all ears… with my fingers crossed.

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