Gosh, I hope this doesn’t hurt the old fella….

Filed in National by on May 22, 2008

McCain Backer Hagee Said Hitler Was Fulfilling God’s Will

John Hagee, the controversial evangelical leader and endorser of Sen. John McCain, argued in a late 1990s sermon that the Nazis had operated on God’s behalf to chase the Jews from Europe and shepherd them to Palestine. According to the Reverend, Adolph Hitler was a “hunter,” sent by God, who was tasked with expediting God’s will of having the Jews re-establish a state of Israel.

Going in and out of biblical verse, Hagee preached: “‘And they the hunters should hunt them,’ that will be the Jews. ‘From every mountain and from every hill and from out of the holes of the rocks.’ If that doesn’t describe what Hitler did in the holocaust you can’t see that.”

Where’s a Brain Tumor when I need it!

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hiding in the open

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  1. Brian says:

    He supports John McCain.

  2. Your point? Everything that is done is used by God to affect his ultimate purpose. You must be twisting what seems to me a very clear meaning to have a problem with that. Of course Hitler’s rampage was used by God to do a great deal of good. It was foretold. God didn’t send it. He didn’t cause it. He didn’t endorse it, but God foreknew it. It didn’t take Him by surprise so He had a better plan in the wings. Just like the 400 years in Egypt before the Promised Land.

    He foreknew that the west would refuse the refuges. He foreknew the evil of Hitler. He sent ministers to warn the people like Detrick Bonhoeffer to warn the people. I guess they didn’t care they just cared about the economy not morality.

    How could this hurt John McCain? Oh, I get it the Hitler distortion. You are going to claim that he thinks Hitler did a good thing which completely contradicts his writings, his sermons, and his life’s work in Christian Jewish interfaith fellowship. In other words, lie. Understand the context if you can’t understand the clear words.

    Remember Joseph son of Israel? He was turned into slavery and prison, but God used it to exalt him to being prime minister of Egypt. He told his brothers, that “what you meant for evil, God meant for good”. God can turn around even the most desperate of circumstances to the advantage of His people. Even out of the ashes of the Holocaust, He birthed the nation of Israel. Glory be to His name. God is faithful even when humanity is faithless.

  3. G Rex says:

    Okay, so it’s God’s fault that gas is 4 bucks per gallon, but he’s doing it so we stop driving SUV’s?

    He works in mysterious ways indeed.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Ummm. Ok, so then I guess God foreknew about the planes hitting the World Trade Center, thus God damned America? I’m so confused.

  5. what about when I go to take a dump?

  6. Brian says:

    Point is John McCain and John Hagee are both extreme right wing neo-conservative, neo-Nazis. I hope Hillary starts wear fatigues and calling you lackeys of the empire.

  7. liz allen says:

    I with you Brian…neo con/neo nazis! Hagee worse than Falwell! Gives new meaning to the lunatic fringe.

  8. Brian says:

    Hey Stop the Distortion, are you a neo-fascist sympathizer? You sound like it.

  9. Brian says:


    That was not a funny comment. That kind of blind obedience without using moral conscience in light of the goodness of reason is making me sick to my stomach.

  10. Truth Teller says:

    Look these nut bags have been supporting the Repub’s all a long so why is it an issue now??????

    As far as god goes which god I’ll wager that the pagans who prayed to idols had the same amout of their prayers answered as those praying to god today.

    any takers

    And let us not all forget that the reason most rightwingers religious nuts love the Jewish State is because they believe in the comming when the world will end and god will appear and all the jews will be converted christians

  11. liberalgeek says:

    And let us not all forget that the reason most rightwingers religious nuts love the Jewish State is because they believe in the comming when the world will end and god will appear and all the jews will be converted christians

    or die for failing to do so. BTW, I saw a great tagline on a blog today:

    When the rapture come…we get all their shit.

  12. Pandora says:

    Love the tag line, LG!

    I have avoided “stop the distortion’s” post all day.

    But let me take a stab… David, in your and your God’s eyes I am going to burn in hell… and , you know what? I’m okay with that.

  13. David says:

    The $4.00 gasoline is a good example. Of course God knows the gasoline will be whatever price it gets too. Man’s choices caused it, but God is not hindered by it. God already has plans in place to prosper His children regardless. He may use it to spur someone to take that cold fusion reactor off the drawing board and give us limitless energy with no pollution or nuke waste.

    That is the God way of thinking. We look at the negatives while God looks at the possibilities. God is Great. His wisdom is beyond man.

    It’s a Pentecostal/Charismatic thing. I am not surprised that you don’t understand. So just leave theology which is unrelated out of the political race.

    Liberalgeek, I never really had that much of a problem with Rev. Wright. I like man or woman unafraid to tell it the way he/she sees it. I disagree with him and have detailed my disagreement, but what that has to do with Senator Obama is beyond me. I personally don’t believe in attacking a man of God. So don’t look for Rev. Wright attacks from me. I respect God. He is God’s man and it is up to God to judge him or Rev. Hagee for that matter. I will detail disagreement with theology or political views, but that has nothing to do with whether or not they are decent people.

  14. David says:

    Pandora, the last time I checked my name wasn’t St. Peter. I don’t hold the keys to the kingdom. 🙂 Governing my own life is enough of a challenge. I don’t have the inclination to worry about yours.

    What I do love is showing people a better way. Go to JoelOlsteen.com or paulawhite.org and I think you will like what you see. God loves you and no matter what happens, he is powerful enough to give you the eventual victory. That is what I know.