Delaware Liberal


Am I less of a patriot if I don’t give two craps about memorial day?  But that isn’t the real QOD either, Because well it’s not true that I don’t give 2 craps.  I sort of take that back.  I propose we have seperate but equal Memorial day celebrations.  On one side of the parade we be sure to honor the troops that were drafted into fighting.  The sons of the those that didn’t have the benefit of being a Mormon on 8 trips to the promised land (Of Missouri)  The unfortunate sons as they like to say.  I would like to see those guys honored.

Then on the other side of the parade I would like to see the “They signed up for it” part.  The volunteers that knew what they were getting into and met that “worst case scenario” situation other wise known as death.  I’m pretty sure the current administration supports this point of view. 

So, my question is this:  Should memorial day be split into two seperate days?  One for the schmucks that signed up for it and One for those that couldnt’ get out of it?

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