Comment Rescue & Copeland-a-go-go Part I

Filed in National by on May 27, 2008

Here is my comment from DWA:

I’m getting the feeling that this is about Copeland running for congress in 2010. Not that the seat is Castle’s to pass along like the family silver – but that understanding between Castle and Copeland is the only thing that makes sense.

I’ve been puzzled by Copeland’s “take one for the team” run for Lt. Governor but it kind of makes sense if you think of it as an exit strategy for Castle.

Mike Castle obviously has lost more than a step and is looking retired even today, but he can’t very well leave this year the Democratic wave building. Neither can he simply concede the office to Beau Biden by not grooming a Republican replacement (and I mean someone not named Protack or O’Donnell).

So my guess is that they decided to use this election to establish Copeland as the heir apparent. Copeland simply has to keep his loss out of embarrassing territory.

The more I think about this the more it adds up. I’ve been doing some digging on Copeland and I’ve turned up some stuff that supports that notion that he is looking toward 2010. I don’t want to over sell it – but if siffing around the dag end of campaign finance reports is your thing, you will stay tuned for part II of this series.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. I’m buying your theory Jase. It makes perfect sense to get him statewide exposure in the meaningless Lt. Gov. slot (where he and Lee will lose but he won’t take any of the shame).

    Castle was on with Jensen just now. He had no command of the first two questions asked of him and when I got a chance to ask why after over a year of talking about regulating hedge funds his committee hasn’t acted. (rather I asked what he is doing about it since hedgers are now being pinned on the rising oil costs).

    He wasn’t even embarrassed to say that he was concerned and that hedgers aren’t regulated even though everything else is and that maybe Rep. Franks would do something.

    Mike, you are there to do something. So do something for god’s sake.

  2. selander says:

    My guess is that he’d rather be Governor because he has young kids.

    By giving up his Senate seat to run for Lt. Gov, he avoids having to make any tough votes in the next four years.

    He can spend a fraction of his net worth this campaign on positive ads to build up his name ID and can then run around the state saying “I told you so” when the next Governor (Jack or John) needs to make some difficult decisions.

    Unfortunate, but clever.

  3. RickJ19958 says:

    I’m not sure what campaign finance reports are helping you here, Jason. He filed for Lt. Gov. about a month ago, so he hasn’t had to submit any dollar amounts yet.

  4. liz allen says:

    So lets get this straight…he runs for Lt. Gov and loosers…and then the looser wants to run in Castle’s spot…me thinking Castle is getting very worried about Karen Hartley-Nagle…when he was on WDEL about a week ago…he said, “I don’t know Karen”. What Congressman, don’t now Karen…aaaahhhh didnt she run against you in the last election, and you were in a debate with her….aaah….having a senior moment Congressman?

    He is not worried about Mike Miller already beat him, Not worried about one issue Northington…you can bet he is worried about Karen, especially when even “republican” women are supporting her. Still trying to find out what Castle has done for the citizens of Delaware…we sure do know he supports Corporate Delaware.

  5. Dominique says:

    Interesting theory, Jason. It makes a lot of sense. Wouldn’t it be fun to throw a monkey wrench into it by electing KHN?

    Speaking of which, I’m going to have an affordable fundraiser for her in June (Thursday happy hour at my house). Once I have a date set, I’d love to have as many of the bloggers and their friends show up. In fact, I’d like the blogger community to consider plugging it.

    I’m gathering names and addresses for invitations. If any of you are interested in attending, please email your address to me at


    Sorry for plugging in your thread, Jason.

  6. Call It says:

    Copeland trying for the Land of Donothing (Castle’s seat)?

    Verrrrry very interesting. So my question is this: If Castle beats KHN, who do the dems put up against a statewide name like Copeland? KHN again? The loser of Carney v. Markell? I’m seriously curious what you all think.

  7. Selander, the GOPerheads in the land of duPont WANT Another GOPer in Congress. They have Carper and Castle and they can’t stand not to keep that foot in the doorjamb. No way.
    Copeland is their best bet.

  8. selander says:

    Nancy – The “GOPerheads in the land of DuPont” are smart enough to realize that winning the Governor’s mansion (to go with their own in Greenville) back does significantly more to help their party then maintaining one freshman Congressional seat in what will be a significant minority party in 2010.