Filed in National by on May 27, 2008

UPDATE x’s 2: If you had to choose between putting your dog family pet put to sleep TODAY, or discarding a fertilized human egg which would you choose?

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hiding in the open

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  1. legaldork says:

    I’ll be at your house in one hour with 5 dog bodies. Please leave the check blank.

  2. June says:

    ohmygawd. What a horrible QOD. I wouldn’t put my dog to sleep for all the money in the world, and that’s the truth. Would you put your child to sleep if you were paid? That’s how I feel about my little dog.

  3. jason330 says:

    Hell no.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Under most situations I’d agree with June. If the circumstances were specific however – like the dog was terminally ill – I think it is the humane thing to do. Otherwise it’s heinous and I wouldn’t do it for any amount of money. Odd question though.

  5. Steve Newton says:

    In this case I am a dittohead with Jason.

    Dorian, if my dog was sick and needed to be put down, I’d wait a day just so there was no confusion with taking the money.

    Now if we’re talking certain relatives getting a visit from good ole Dr Kevorkian, 50K will do fine

  6. Joe M says:

    I don’t like dogs, but FUCK no!

  7. Interesting question. I’d pass because my dog has many good years ahead of him and is a great friend and guardian. but if I needed the money to save the life of an immediate family member I would sacrifice the dog over the human.
    If it were a horse and the $ was offered to many a race horse owner it would be taken in a flash.

  8. wRong says:

    If your dog was terminally ill and in great discomfort, would you pay the vet $350 in various fees, or buy a $0.75 shotgun shell and do it yourself?

  9. jason330 says:

    Thank you Dwight Schrute.

  10. Al Mascitti says:

    No. I had three of my four put down within 16 months of each other, all with cancer. But a healthy dog? No.

    The opposite question might actually be more of a stumper — how much would you spend to keep a pet alive? I ask because an awful lot of people I know have taken a pet in and been told it will take $1,000 or $2,000 to operate. At what point does the cost become unjustifiable?

  11. Dominique says:

    Jeez, Al. Do you live near a nuclear waste site?

    I would not take $50K to put my dog down.

    Al, to answer your question, it would depend on the dog’s age and quality of life. I would probably cap it at $5,000 if the dog was less than 7 or 8 years old and the cost would pretty much guarantee an excellent quality of life. It’s all about the ROI (kidding).

  12. jason330 says:


    In the end, my dog is an animal and his natural death will be the last in a long line of lessons that my sons learn from caring for him.

  13. Von Cracker says:


  14. Al Mascitti says:

    Dominique: Yeah, I wondered the same thing. Three different locations for the cancer, too, though to be fair, all were 11 or older. The breeder suggested the lawn service chemicals might be a problem, so I’m switching next year to one of the enviro-friendly lawn services.

    And I do have a young pup (actually just over a year old now) and three cats to keep the last survivor of the past generation company.

  15. cassandra m says:

    I lost a beloved dog to bone cancer. The (cancer specialist) vet told me that he could amputate my dog’s leg and he might survive awhile, but he’d have to learn to get around again. My dog was 11 years old and was accustomed to lots of walking and traveling with me — it just did not seem that his Quality of Life would be the same, so I let the vet put him down.

    One of the worst things I’ve ever had to do in my life.

  16. Sagacious Steve says:

    We spent ultimately over $3K earlier this year when our dog needed surgery. He had stopped eating, and it was hard to figure out what was wrong with him. There was fear it might be cancer.

    As it turned out, there had been a rupture in his intestine, it was repaired, and he’s back to full health.

    That dog is a member of our family and there was never a thought as to whether we could afford it, especially since he’s only 6 years old.

    It doesn’t hurt that he’s the best-adjusted, and probably the only sane, member of our family. We now view every day with him as a bonus.

  17. Dominique says:

    DHB – I notice the question was changed to ‘family pet’. In that case, I might take the $50K. I had two cats that I would have put down for way less than that. Sorry, cat lovers, but there’s no comparison. Dogs love you unconditionally. In fact, I’ve often said that the love of a dog is the only true unconditional love a person will ever receive (including from their parents). Cats, on the other hand, love you on their terms.

  18. cassandra m says:

    Cats, on the other hand, love you on their terms.

    If they love you at all.


    So Not A Cat Lover

  19. ugh, how awful for your cats, D.

    In my houseshold cats are the same as dogs. Same love.

    Unreal to see a cat placed in hierarchy and losing. I guess because I started with cats they are in no possible way an inferior pet to me.

  20. Call It says:

    $50,000 = 50,000 double cheeseburgers from the dollar menu.


    Just kidding…I wouldn’t give my dog up for anything. The bigger question is whether he would rather be put down or continue to listen to me make terrible jokes.

  21. R Smitty says:

    I think I would opt for offing the gimp-legged jack-hole oracle user that can’t code his way out of a freaking query and can’t ride the freaking elevator down to the lobby to BS over a damned cup of coffee.

    Oh, I’d offer up that gimp-legged jack-hole for only $1, too, if I could get that much.

    How youze doin’, DV?