Delaware Liberal

Beautiful Morning

As commenter over at election inspections says, “Thankfully, the McAuliffe, Ickes and Clinton days in the party are over.”

I would add that in the trash bin next to McAuliffe you can find the losing “50% plus 1: Electoral College” strategy which would have Obama begging 5% of Ohio Independents to vote for him rather than trying to run the be the President of the entire country.

Good riddance. The 50% plus 1” deal was some Bill Clinton smoke and mirrors electioneering that the DLC tried to build into a religion.

Now that Obama has a clear shot at McCain and we’ll see the “50 State Strategy” in action.

All I have to do is be patient with the irrelevant yammering of a few loud cry baby losers for a few weeks while they get over the fact Hillary Clinton (who was not fit to be President) ran a horrible race and lost fair and square.

Some, I guess, will never get over it – but that is their problem. Not mine.

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