Filed in National by on June 1, 2008

Has the Iraq war helped advance “gay rights” by helping put the issue into perspective?

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. The war has made us see how crazy religious zealot’s are everywhere . And when crazy religious people start thumping a bible/Quran or whatever we realize how extreme their views are. In turn we realize that what they preach to be God’ love and mercy is actually hate and fear.

    At some point Americans wake up and realize all people are equal. even the one’s that vote for Clinton.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Since the Army and Navy (mostly) have been having a hard time meeting its recruiting goals, they’ve relaxed their entry requirements — providing waivers to people with felony convictions, people who have not finished high school, people with fewer skill sets than typically desired, but if you are gay you can’t be admitted. This is complete nonsense when the Army and Marines are screaming for qualified people.

    The Ninth Circuit just sent back a Don’t Ask Don’t Tell discharge case asking that the Air Force provide some evidence that the fact that this woman was a lesbian actually cause the AF a management or discipline problem.

    I think that perspective is getting there — if only because it highlights the sheer nonsense it forces the DOD into.

  3. Brian says:

    I agree with Donviti. I hope we leave reason intact and unmolested to challenge these often bizzare ideations.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Hmmm….interesting question. I think the Iraq War and troubles with recruiting and retention have led to the probable repeal of the awful “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” rule. I think it will possibly lead to the repeal of no women in combat since the war has shown that there really is no front line and women have fought and died as well.

  5. Brian says:

    I think the Iraq war recruiting troubles should have been precluded by a repeal of don’t ask don’t tell and we should let anyone who loves their country to serve it any capacity they want and are capable of a long time ago.

    Just like we should be using tesla technology to produce energy to free up the flow of capital and our ability to compete with other nations peacefully.

    It is the 21st century let’s get with it.

  6. A. Bundy says:

    “let anyone who loves their country to serve it any capacity they want and are capable of a long time ago.”

    I agree. However, Brian, donVD has alluded to the fact that anyone who signs up for service is either an idiot or a murderer. In fact, he thinks that if you signed up for service (in any war) and died, you should not be held/honored in the same regard as those who were drafted.

    What is your take on this belief?

  7. Brian says:

    I think my statement speaks for itself. I love my country, I do not always agree with its policy. My disagreement with policy is founded on the principle of non-intervention in the foreign affairs of other nations that Thomas Jefferson gave us. I think if we use reason, things work out ok and when we walk the line and hold both big corporations and big government accountable and protect the citizens from both with an informed citizenry we can serve our nation best. I think most people choose to serve their nation becuase we love our democratic government, anything that undremines that undermines people like DV’s faith in that system; I feel that this undermining of faith and trust of the people has increased dramtically becuase of the Bush Administration. Corruption breeds corruption, it is an immutable law in social affairs, just like physics. Our rights to ourselves and our rights to others must be balanced and dictated by the principles of reason and we should discuss these in an open forum like this one.

    DV is not wrong to criticize the fact that not everyone is a patriotic boy scout who is in the employ of the administration. And you are not wrong that there are enough people out there who love their country that they take pride in doing service to it. A restoration of that basic trust in the American people would be a good first step in getting our national house in order. Otherwise, more people will be disenfranchised by the political process.

  8. Truth Teller says:

    I agree with Barry Goldwater all we should care about is not if they are straight but can they shoot straight

  9. cassandra_m says:

    How are you doing, Brian? Haven’t read anything from you in awhile and hope you are doing better…

  10. the difference Abundy is my question was tongue and cheek and only how I think the current administration views it’s veterans…

  11. it is NOT how I feel but hey, think what you want about me. it is wrong 99.9% of the time so why would this time be any different….