Will she or won’t she?

Filed in National by on June 3, 2008

What will Hillary say tonight? On the one hand signs are pointing to her acknowledging Obama as the nominee. On the other hand…

Okay, I’ll admit I’m starting to get a bad feeling about tonight.

What I don’t understand is what possible option she has left? And by option I mean one that wouldn’t rip the Democratic Party to shreds.

Any thoughts on the Big Party in New York tonight?

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (8)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Deranged harpy that she is, she will tear the party to shreds.

    Still my prediction.

  2. jason330 says:


    Sorry about jumping on your post.

  3. anon says:

    She’ll exit with class and dignity, saying something like

    “It is appropriate that I come here today. It’s time for me to step aside so that history can blaze its path.”

    Oh wait – that was Edwards.

  4. pandora says:

    Don’t worry, Jason. These posts go together like peanut butter and jelly… or so someone once told me! 😉

  5. Chris O says:

    She will not go quietly !!

  6. Truth Teller says:

    If he wants to win this election he better get all his supporters in line and get them to stop all their nasty remarks Rachel M turned my wife against him tonight not so much that we don’t like obama but we are tired of the the sniping. My wife’s Quote ” keep this shit up Rachel and I might vote for McCain”

  7. June says:

    Oh, go ahead. Vote for McCain because of Rachel M. That makes a lot of sense.

    Hillary has announced this aft. that she is OPEN to the vice presidency. That’s how she’s going to end it — putting him on the spot to turn her down and make her supporters madder than ever.

    It never ends!!

  8. Pandora says:

    Wow! Your wife must be a genius! She’s going to vote for McCain because of something RACHEL MADDOW said?

    Geez, will you please judge Obama on Obama. Or should I judge Hillary supporters by that whack job Harriet Christian.