5th Annual Summer Bash June Jam for Jack

Filed in National by on June 4, 2008

You heard about this legendary party and fund raiser for Jack Markell, and you can check out (and contribute to) the legend yourself this weekend, on 7 June.

It all starts at 12:30 (rain or shine) and seems to go until the music stops — there is plenty of food and drink, which means all you need to do is to show up and bring a check made out to MARKELL for DELAWARE (because this is a fundraiser!).

The website is where you RSVP and get more info (like details of the incredible menu and directions to the place).  (Copy of the showing more detail after the jump)

No word yet if Jason is planning on being there to autograph Delaware Liberal tee shirts…..

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (14)

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  1. UnionGal says:

    Isn’t that the party last year where they had “corporate sponsors” like Dog Head beer that didn’t appear on Markell’s year-end report?

    Laws are for sissies, right Jack? You’re smarter than the law.

    Just how much treasurer office state-paid time is being used to prepare and put on this fun fest?

  2. Meyer says:

    UnionGal – if a state employee is using their vacation time, then they can use it as they see fit. No one is using state-paid time to work on the campaign. And it’s Dogfish Head, not Dog Head.

  3. UnionGal says:

    So you’re not denying that Markell had corporate sponsors for a campaign event that ended up unreported on his finance report?

    Paging John Carney campaign!

  4. Cat says:

    Whatsa’ matter, UnionGal, you upset ‘cuz you weren’t invited to the bash?

    Dogfish Head also donates beer to the Milton Historical Society, the Lewes Historical Society, and almost everyone else who simply asks! It’s just good marketing for them to participate in local events and we ALL appreciate it. I doubt they consider it “corporate sponsorship”.

    So get you panties out of a knot, there’s nothing illegal going on!

    Paging all funsquashers! UnionGal needs a friend.

  5. Dog says:

    Cat, I think Union Gal was referencing these funny little things we have called “campaign finance laws.” When a corporate sponsor donates to an event, it is called an “in-kind donation.” When it is not listed on the candidate’s campaign finance report at the end of the year, it’s called “breaking the law.” I agree that the Carney campaign would be very interested in that little nugget of information, if they don’t already have it.

    Dog has barked.

  6. Al Mascitti says:

    Unions have barked, you mean. We know where they stand — just beneath John Carney’s cheeks.

  7. Andy says:

    Al Why do you have such distaste and venom when it comes to Unions and Union Members?

  8. UnionGal says:

    Did we agree that Markell broke the law or not?

    Al Mascitti, go stuff it. This country was built on the backs of unions. Working people are the heart of this country. Your buddy Markell broke the law. Face facts.

  9. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with unions at all. I think their blind support for a candidate like John Carney when there’s an even BETTER candidate who already buys onto their message is just plain stupid. The Unions can have EVERYTHING with Markell, but won’t get the Minner baggage.

  10. Chris C says:

    Best party of the year. Haven’t missed one yet. Do yourself a favor, show up, relax and have a good time.

  11. jason330 says:

    I’m cutting a business trip short to go to this party (which is going to rock) so I better see some of you fuckers there.

    That’s all I’m saying.

  12. Al Mascitti says:

    “Al Mascitti, go stuff it. This country was built on the backs of unions. Working people are the heart of this country. ”

    Yeah, tell yourself that if it makes your lazy butt feel better. The truth, of course, is that this country was well under way long before any union was formed, and unions represent about 1 in 10 working people in this country. Face it, gal — you’re nothing but another special interest looking out for yourselves at the expense of the rest of us.

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    I love unions — in the workplace. In politics, they’re nothing but another special interest. They know it, too, which is why they get so upset when I point it out.

    If you believe in progressive politics, unions are what stand in the way in Delaware. This is a one-party state, and that party has sold its soul to the unions.

  14. Andy says:

    This is a one-party state, and that party has sold its soul to the unions.

    Only when it comes to election time any other time of the year some at least are brushed aside now my experience may not be the norm but it is what it is
    When Dart’s Paratranist Drivers were having issue with being forced to work over time in excess of 12 hours a day and drivers being hospitalized as a reult a couple of years ago we tried to get an audience with Queen RAM after trying to deal with our Management, two secretaries of Transportation among others with no results Queen RAM would not even acknowledge us.
    So just because you may tell them hey our Union needs to speak with you on behalf of our members it doesn’t always work.