Delaware Liberal

Another blogger that can’t take it

I have just lost all the respect in the world for Susie aka Suburban Guerrilla.

I used to read her several times a day and most likely will still visit her though now occasionally for the great articles she manages to find. But, when a blogger ANY blogger moderates comments or flat out says she will delete them she loses any respect I had. It just stinks of a 10 year saying I don’t like this anymore and takes his/her ball home so no one can play with it. Weak, sad, childish…

The best thing about the blogosphere is the ability to be able to express your opinions freely. Once you start trampling on that unwritten rule of freedom of speech you have crossed a line. This time the moderation comes, sadly, from what I used to consider a great blog that became a bitter Hillary supporter.

It was/is her support that made me try to keep it real with Obama and why I have not put up constant ASS kissing posts for him. All the money is flowing towards him and that includes Corporate money. All the big people are supporting him and you know as well as I do that when the media starts kissing someones ass, it doesn’t really mean it is a good thing. In the end he is a Politician and So was/is Hillary. I don’t want this blog to be viewed as a bunch of Obamaniacs that can’t be fair and unable to break ranks for fear of being called a traitor or worse. I pledge to keep it real and when/if he gets elected he will get the same scrutiny all politicians should get…

I have had trouble with not getting caught up in the Obama Wave of happiness. I really do believe change can happen and will happen. In the end though he who has the most money wins and sadly that isn’t what it should be about it. When the person with the most money wins that means the people with the most money will win too. We have seen how that works out for the people that “need” the money….

Good bye Susie, Freedom of Speech should never be curtailed and if you don’t want to hear from your “fans” you shouldn’t read the comments.

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