Hillary to concede on Saturday

Filed in National by on June 4, 2008

ABC News is reporting that Hillary will suspend her campaign and endorse Obama on Saturday.

Let the healing begin. The primary was tough, but remember it was a family fight, and in the end families stick together.


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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    NPR and Politico report that HRC concedes on Saturday.

    I’ve read that her staff was told that Friday is their last day and also that her Congressional supporters told her that they could not wait for her to decide what to do. I wonder how that would work — it just seems that last night was the opportunity to go out a heroine. We’ll see, I guess.

  2. Bopeep says:

    At 701 pm this evening the New york times reported Billary would throw in the towel on friday. Andrea Mitchell reported on MSNBC that a lot of her supporters were hihgly upset over Terry McCulluf’s last night intro of Billary as the next president of the United States. A true slap in the nominee’s face. Charles Rangle and 43 house member called her this afternoon at told her that they could not wait any longer to pull the party together and she better get behing Obama and she better do it now. She is shitting on the New York Delegation. Howard Fineman said 8 senators got on a conference call to Billary this afternoon as well (not our senators they were hidding in the senate toilet). They told her that it is over and get over it. They went so far as to tell her that if she don’t get onboard now, they will leave her ass high and dry with nothing to fall back on. This kicked off after the insult to Obama last night and they had to act. Bill was already on board. It was strategist in her own campaign that got this shit going with a few phone calls. I guess Billary was on a path to destroy Obama and they were not having any of it so they pulled the plug. I bet that it was James Carvell. The evil genious needed to pull a Rabbit out of his hat and he did.

  3. Pandora says:

    Take a deep breath and let it go. The general election began last night.

  4. Observer says:

    About time!

  5. X Stryker says:

    Carper endorsed Obama.

  6. Dana says:

    Hillary Clinton will concede on Saturday so that she can have a big shebang, where it’ll still be all about her. From what I’ve heard, she wants to retain control of her delegates, but who can really be sure with all the bovine feces flying around about this.

  7. anon says:

    Carper ends the suspense:


    Typically wishy-washy, he says he was for Biden, but now endorses Obama, but wants Hillary to be VP.

    He left out that long part between Biden and Obama when he was secretly for Hillary.

    What an effed-up thinking process.

  8. He left out that long part between Biden and Obama when he was secretly for Hillary.
    yeah, and he ain’t fooling anybody anymore.

  9. No Name for Privacy says:

    #8 & #9 Amen!!

    He lost me when he voted to send/support troops without enlisting his sons to show their ‘patriotism’. If he believed it in he should have been prepared to sacrifice his precious children.

  10. Al Mascitti says:

    “If he believed it in he should have been prepared to sacrifice his precious children.”

    What an asshat thing to say. In your world, the “children” (who are actually adults) get no say-so in their own fate? Asshat.