Not an original thought in his head

Filed in National by on June 4, 2008

 (Courtesy of



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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Pandora says:

    Oh… I might have to pull this post. A picture of John McCain STEALING Obama’s slogan.

  2. P.I. says:

    The southern spelling of his name is John McCain’t. His slogan should be McAin’t Can’t Change (shit)!

  3. cassandra_m says:

    You’d think that for somebody who has had 70+ years to come up with a campaign slogan, he could do better than cop someone else’s theme. Obama should get some sampling royalties or something for this….

  4. Stella Bluez says:

    “Enter the Decision Center”???

    Is he kidding?? Wow, he is “The Decider”…part II.

    Who is he paying to think of this crap??

  5. Observer says:

    He didnt get what the meaning of ‘change’ was!

  6. Rebecca says:

    Maybe he’s going for the sympathy vote.

  7. Pandora says:

    Actually, Rebecca, I think he’s going for the confused vote. Honestly, this man has changed his position so many times who knows what he stands for. On the plus side… he’s denied the republicans use of one of their favorite phrases: Flip-flopper.

  8. Brian says:

    Wow, I wonder if he hired the same company that Sen. Obama used or if his team is just so scared of Sen. Obama’s ability to raise money they decided to take the same slogan? Maybe at some point he will start calling himself Obama to go after the really confused vote.

  9. This GOP’s 2008 run for President is reminiscent of the DE GOPer attorney general run of 2006. Stoopid campaign advice.

  10. TRUTH TELLER says:

    Look he is just a victim sent into Harm’s Way not qualified for the job he was asked to do. 5th from the bottom of a class of over 800. Put in a plane he couldn’t fly by Family connections ( at least 3 crashes while in training maybe more) less than 20 hours in the air in Nam before being shot down and captured. If anyone doesn’t believe he was a victim let me know. The only hero status he holds is like everyone who served for that matter they are hero’s