Cutting Off One’s Nose

Filed in National by on June 5, 2008

I have to hand it to Taylor Marsh. She was a Clinton supporter for a long time. She vowed to oppose McCain, but doubted that she could “support” Obama. Today, she took on the Dominique’s among her readership.

If anger is going to be the guide for some of Hillary’s supporters, inspiring them to vote McCain, the outcome for this country is bleak. Because there are times when how we’re feeling must be put second to what’s best for the future. John McCain, as good a man as he is, is not a man of the future. He is a man of the 20th century leading a party that has run aground.

Granted, this is a little tepid, but I’m glad to be shooting at the same target as her.

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  1. Pandora says:

    Taylor Marsh is losing her posters, and it’s her own fault. Not because she supported Hillary, but because she allowed her blog to become a place where rumor and hate ruled. She also limited herself by only posting on the Dem primary and allowing “if HRC doesn’t win, I’m voting for McCain” meme to run rampant. There simply was NO debate on that blog.

    On the other hand, mydd (another pro Hillary site) has shown the way. The sense of coming together at mydd is very strong. This community has focused its attention on McCain.

    Even kos is toning it down.

    Taylor set herself up for failure. She catered to the extreme and is now having trouble calming down what she inflamed. It will be interesting to see if she can stem the flood of “loyal fans” who have now turned on her and turned away from her blog.

  2. Dominique says:

    Umm…I would say that Kos and HuffPo are probably facing the same challenge. Though I’m not very familiar with Taylor Marsh’s website, I can’t imagine the posters there were any more hostile than what I saw on those two sites.

  3. Pandora says:

    Kos is having the same problem, but to a smaller degree mainly because they didn’t focus entirely on one candidate.

    Taylor Marsh is really taking a hit. Many of her loyal fans are leaving her for No Quarter, Hillary is 44, etc. I’m not sure how she holds onto her readership.

  4. Pandora says:

    Oh, and if you want to see unity… check out mydd. They are leading the way.

  5. Were I go to vent, Eschaton, the blog owner refused to endorse anyone and the anti-Hillary stuff was downsized to Saturday morning sessions.
    Even the EschaCon ’08 ttendees had a tacit agreement to leave the subject alone and let the American people determine the nominee. There are a lot of ladies aged 60’ish who wanted Hillary elected but hardly a one liked what her campaign devolved into, including the boo’s of her supporters even yesterday at the mention of Obama but especially at the behavior of the Hillbots last Saturday during the Rules meeting.

  6. BTW the anti-Hillary stuff was pretty much exclusively anti-centrist DLC stuff. NoT SeXisM.