Comment Rescue: The Real Mike Castle

Filed in National by on June 9, 2008

Al Mascitti made a great comment about the dressmaker’s form that is Mike Castle:

“our Republican Representative, who in no way represents the majority view of Delawareans.”

Bold assertion, but I think it’s based on a faulty premise — that Castle’s voting record represents the man.

The problem any Democrat will have is that you don’t run against the voting record, you vote against the person. And Mike Castle the person sounds a lot different from what you’d assume from someone with his voting record.

If you go by what he says, rather than how he votes, I think he DOES represent the views of a majority of Delawareans. That’s why he has been elected with vast majorities almost every time he has run.

You can all speak against that reality all the way to November, but it won’t win you the election. He has many millions in his war chest, and that will buy lots of media time in which all he’ll have to do is sound reasonable to make your premise ineffective.

That really captures the situation – but I would even go one step further.

Mike Castle actually believes that what he says is the real deal and his votes are just flukes and artifacts of a broken system, not a broken sense of morality.

Castle DOES think his words speak louder than his actions and he DOES think that he has opposed George Bush in spite of his voting record that demonstrates the opposite.

How does he do it? For one thing I think Castle is utterly in love with the mythology of Mike Castle. He has been in politics for so long that he thinks that what Celia Cohen writes about him reflects reality. He thinks the losers and sycophants that rush to him at Vicmead are the salt of the earth. He lives in a bubble that is so impervious to reality that 2 + 2 really does equal five.

When his campaign literature says, “We only send one, so let’s send out best.” he thinks that he is the best possible Congressman available to serve Delaware. His votes are utterly irrelevant.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. Al Mascitti says:

    Just to make things clear, I like Mike Castle and don’t think any of his challengers brings more to the table than he does. But that doesn’t mean your points aren’t valid.

    That said, pay particular attention to the last part of my premise: It’s a losing proposition to paint him as unreasonable, because that’s not how most people see him, and it’s a very easy bar for him to clear. Advertising (or propaganda) only works when it reinforces people’s impressions; it doesn’t work when it contradicts their perceived reality. “Everything you know is wrong” just won’t sell.

    It’s also hard to paint him, or any of our delegation, as out of touch, since they all come home almost every night.

    The age factor — along with the attendant “been there too long” meme — are probably your best angles of attack. But there are three things Democrats lack that would make an upset possible: money, money and money.

    Did I mention that some money would come in handy?

  2. no offense to Al, it was a great comment, but let’s be honest you could say that about many politician that has been around forever. Especially in Delaware

  3. jason330 says:

    Interesting strategy points Al and spot on.

    I guess a campaign would have to run directly at that public view of Castle as “reasonable” to make any kind of dent.

    Something like an ongoing and concerted program of listing things that Mike Castle regards as “reasonable.”

    Mike Castle thinks it is reasonable to support John McCain for President – a man who has said that we should be prepared to be in Iraq for 100 years.

    Mike Castle has said that he thinks that supporting George Bush and voting for his half-baked plans to invade Iraq was reasonable.

  4. Dana says:

    How is Mike Castle any different from any other Delaware politician? Joe Biden should have been dumped ages ago, but y’all keep re-electing him — and then you elected his son to a position for which his Republican opponent was clearly the more qualified. If Barack Hussein Obama wins [shudder!] and appoints the elder Mr Biden to his cabinet, y’all will probably keep the Senate seat in the family and give it to his son.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Yup Dana, that’s the plan!

  6. Al Mascitti says:

    Jason: On the contrary, I’d go after his ineffectiveness. The whole point of Mike Castle’s “moderate” standing was that he and the Main Street group could have been swing votes in the House, like the Blue Dog Democrats are. But he was too scared to buck Tom DeLay, despite the fact that the Republicans wouldn’t have been able to retaliate via primary. He could have made a difference, but lacked the courage.

    Something along the lines of “Bold Times Require Bold Leaders.” In other words, don’t go after his strong point — too much work when you have no money. Go after his weak point — he’s never been much of a fighter.

  7. liz allen says:

    Mike McCastle’s voting record speaks volumes. I have studied it, and there are days when he voted no in the am…but when Delay and the repukes got to him in the afternoon, he did a complete 360! Name one thing the guy has done for Delaware…except the coins!

    Look at this donor list…does that represent “we the people”, no it represents Greenville, the dupont Company and corporate Delaware.

    I recall when he, Biden and Carper got the money for a “pilot port project” which was going to displace many of our port workers, a meeting was held….after the meeting we went over to him, about 10 port workers and myself. He couldnt run away fast enough. He is lame, old and sick…time for him and McBush and McMad to be go the way of the dinosaur.

  8. Al Mascitti says:

    Liz: Show me a Delaware politician with a donor list that represents “we the people.” Someone with at least $50,000 in the bank, I mean. And please don’t pretend unions represent “we the people,” either. They represent 1 in 10 working Americans.

  9. Yup Dana, that’s the plan!

    Not very progressive, there. Yeesh. Let’s see some more from him where he is first. Seriously.
    What has young Biden done to deserve such a position? How is dynasty building, especially with the insider Dover DEM clusterfuck that Beau has shown an ardent fealty to since in office, going to progress a damn thing in the state?
    I like the Bidens and vote for them but blind loyalty and insider deals from these long incumbencies have major drawbacks. Too much power and the adage about corruption should come to mind.
    Let Joe go to the new cabinet where he can serve this country well. Let someone else take his place than his kid. Yuck.

  10. anon says:

    “Mike Castle is the candidate of change.”

    (props to Nicole Gaudiano for this line in the News Journal)

  11. jason330 says:

    In my right hand I hold a Delaware State Quarter. In my left I have his votes with Bush in support of the Iraq war.


  12. Al Mascitti says:

    The quarters program has made the country $3.6 billion. Normally I’d say good for him, but that pays for about 9 days of Iraq.

  13. anon says:

    The quarter program is a tax on the stupid.