Delaware Liberal

McSMOD (McCain’s Sr. Moment of the Day)

I’m sure this will be a recurring feature as we watch Mike Castle’s hero struggle to November.

John McCain told Newsweek that he did not deliver a portion from the prepared text of his speech last Tuesday chiding the media for not giving Hillary Clinton her due. But video from McCain’s address shows him giving the line as written.

“The media often overlooked how compassionately she spoke to the concerns and dreams of millions of Americans,” McCain said in a nationally-broadcast speech in Kenner, Lousiana. “And she deserves a lot more appreciation than she sometime received.”

Asked about this statement in an interview last week with Newsweek’s Holly Bailey and Jon Meacham, McCain interjected, “I did not [say that]—that was in prepared remarks, and I did not [say it]—I’m not in the business of commenting on the press and their coverage or not coverage.”

Presented with video showing that the GOP nominee did in fact read the remarks as they were prepared, McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said Newsweek’s account of McCain’s answer is “paraphrased and unclear.”

On second thought maybe it will not be a long lived feature since there is now a one in four chance that McCain might not make it November.

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