
Filed in National by on June 10, 2008

This post got me thinking about the huge number of parallels between Delaware’s election of a new governor and the country’s election of a new President.

1) Ruth Ann Minner = George Bush

Okay she never invaded a country to satisfy her vanity, but if she ever did I bet she’d fuck it up pretty good. She is an unpopular lame duck who speaks very poorly.

2) William Swain Lee = John McCain

Most often heard comment on the campaign trail “Who is that old guy?” Both candidates got the “We need to run someone this year so why not pick that guy who sort had some supporter’s last time out?” vote.

3) Mike Protack = Bob Barr

Right down to the impact and the moustache.

4) John Carney = Hillary Clinton

Maybe not as batshit crazy as Clinton, but a tried and true company man with a vagina where the penis should be. He locked up the party hack vote prior to day one and expected that to carry him all the way. All he bad things you think of when you hear the word “politician.”

5) Jack Markell = Barack Obama

New ideas, new vision, cross-party appeal and a great track record of bringing people together to get stuff done. To listen to Markell lay out his vision for Delaware in a small room is to know that you are in the presence of someone with the intelligence, drive and determination to dismantle the status quo and build, in its place, a government that works for the people and not for the narrow self interests of a small cohort of well connected political operators.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (51)

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  1. Jason,

    I salute your devotion to one candidate but our ideas on moving the state ahead are just as good and better.

    Take a look at our Inland Bays proposal from last Friday and stand by for the immigration proposal tonight in Elsmere or our open government proposal this Thursday.


    We will win the GOP primary and with the Independent nomination we will win this fall.

  2. nothing worse than a mangina!

  3. Al Mascitti says:

    “We will win the GOP primary and with the Independent nomination we will win this fall.”

    Not without money you won’t. Held any fund-raisers yet?

  4. Disbelief says:

    Winning the GOP primary in DE will be as material to running for Governor as getting a 52% vote of confidence from the Selbyville Boyscouts.

    Markell is the only guy out there who has run a large organization before. And, he’s run it in a situation where poor choices (or no choices) would’ve been his own ass. A blogger on DWA said it best: “If you had to pick someone to run your business, would it be Markell, Carney, or Protack.”

    And you don’t have to worry about Carney’s mangina; Ruthy more than makes up for it with her womeenis.

  5. LOL indeed! Who knew I’d be getting an education in ‘uncommon’ terms today.

  6. Disbelief says:

    Continuing the analogy, where does Jason fit in:

    1) George Stuffanoctopus
    2) Chris Matthews
    3) Baba Wawa
    4) Chevy Chase

  7. Al Mascitti says:

    2) Chris Matthews. Because of the thrill running up his leg.

  8. Disbelief says:

    Time to throw Jason a softball:

    Who (or what) equates with Celia on the national scene?

  9. jason330 says:

    Celia Cohen = David Broder

    The sad part is that she would be flattered by that and have no freaking clue of what a scorching indictment it is.

  10. RickJ19958 says:

    Did Barack Obama handle the fundraising for the system he’s currently railing against? Everyone seems to forget that in 2004, Markell was the state party’s fundraising chairman, so he’s responsible for helping continue the do-nothing policies he’s now “here to fix”.

    As for Mike Protack, is it true that after losing (badly) at the convention, you stated on WGMD that you’d “bet your first born son” that you’d win the nomination? I might take you up on that – does it include his student loans?

  11. Disbelief says:

    Rick, the difference is Markell knows how to run a large business. The other opponents’ resumes show only:

    1) life-long appointed civil servitude;
    2) driving people around for a living; and
    3) finding a guy guilty after a cooler sans legs with bullet holes was found with a corroborating witness.

    Seriously; we need someone who knows how to work and what to work on. Markell is not only the best choice, he’s the only choice.

  12. jason330 says:

    3) finding a guy guilty after a cooler sans legs with bullet holes was found with a corroborating witness.

    In valuable experience if you are running to be Governor of Hati.

  13. Disbelief says:

    A collateral point was that considering the GOP side of the Governor’s race is pointless. To illustrate, take a look at the last three posts at Delaware Politics. Must make Dave proud to see that at least once leaving the room actually made it dumber.

  14. RickJ19958 says:

    Did they really grab Bill Lee off the street to be the judge in the Capano case? I would have thought he’d need a lifetime of experience as a prosecutor, a defense attorney, a Family Court Judge, and a Superior Court Judge to get that assignment.

    Don’t confuse a milestone with the journey.

  15. Disbelief says:

    Pass that on to the GOP campaign committee, Rick. They’re the ones that seem to think presiding over a trial where the guy is already guilty is qualification for Governor.

  16. RSmitty says:

    To illustrate, take a look at the last three posts at Delaware Politics. Must make Dave proud to see that at least once leaving the room actually made it dumber.

    That’s nice, Dis. And a happy fuck you to you, too.

  17. RickJ19958 says:

    People remember milestones, dis. Griffey’s 599th homer was nice, but he hit 600, so no one cares. McDonald’s sold ‘billions and billions’ of hamburgers – the gripping tale of the 32nd burger interests no one. And despite your revisionist history, the Capano case was the first time someone was convicted of first degree murder without a body, if I recall correctly, so it was kind of a big deal. Knowledge that a party is guilty is no guarantee of a conviction – ask OJ.

  18. A. Bundy says:

    “Jack Markell = Barack Obama

    …track record of bringing people together to get stuff done.”

    Jason, can you give me a couple of examples of when Barack Obama has ever done this as a US Senator? When has he ever brought people together? And, more importantly, when has he ever gotten anything done in the Senate?

  19. Brian says:

    I think Jack Markell is the best qualified and has the right plans for Delaware. I have reviewed them all, and while I think there are some things we could improve on in education, and in public finance reform and open government, his proposals most clearly reflect the vision of a Delaware I’d like to live in.

  20. jason330 says:

    Bundy –

    Easily done. I’ll post on it.

  21. Hey, who of you has taken a look at Protack’s platform? He has plenty of support around here for his ingenuity and realism.
    Markell is a bit timid and on the fence so as not to scare anyone off…still the best choice.

  22. To illustrate, take a look at the last three posts at Delaware Politics.
    David Anderson’s land use post looked excellent. I haven’thad a chance to read it through yet but it looked very well written from having scanned it.

  23. RickJ19958 says:

    Nancy, Protack has plenty of support around where? I’d be surprised if he carries his immediate family.

    He’s most likely not going to enter the Republican field, on the basis that another showing like 2004’s will make his general election bid seem like sour grapes. Besides, he’s got to know that the state party is going to immediately endorse his check and hand it to Bill Lee.

  24. Disbelief says:

    Sorry to Smitty and Nancy. The post about the left-wing baby-killers got my goat. I agree the land-use post was excellent.

  25. UnionGal says:

    Jack Markell’s never run anything. People always say all that, but all the guy did was be a VP. Finance or PR or something. Biggest thing he ever ran was his own campaign. I can’t wait until John shows everyone what Markell’s really about. Shouldn’t be too much longer now.

  26. I bet Jack’s shaking in his boots, UnionHack.

  27. cassandra_m says:

    That seems to be Carney’s usual problem — his supporters are always waiting on the Commission-of-the-Day to be done in order to show them the way.

  28. UnionGal says:

    Oh, we’ll do our part, all right. But John’s the #1 guy and he decides when to go. Markell’s never run anything and he’s all fluff. None of his supposed ‘ideas’ are original. He just gets his ideas from other places or steals them from other elected officials and takes credit for other peoples stuff.

    John’s the guy who got stuff done. He has a great resume of accomplishments from when he was with Carper.

  29. anon says:

    mike: gotta get that nomination first…it aint over till the fat lady sings.

  30. anon4 says:

    Mike how many of the IPOD platforms have you adopted? are you still on the Delacare thing, or have you adopted SB 177 single payer health care approach. A bill that is actually documented peer reviewed, vs. yours, made up out of your haid.

  31. Al Mascitti says:

    UnionGal: Your name explains why nobody outside the unions and the Democratic establishment is the least bit excited about John Carney. He’s Hillary, all right, without the excitement of breaking any kind of ceiling. He’s establishment through and through. If Markell can tap into the Obama phenomenon, you folks are going to find out how outnumbered you are.

    PS: What has Carney ever run? Or ever done that equalled “VP of something”? I hope you’re not going to hang your hat on running the budget during the biggest national economic boom since the 1950s, because he had basically nothing to do with the prosperity.

  32. Al Mascitti says:

    “None of his supposed ‘ideas’ are original. He just gets his ideas from other places or steals them from other elected officials and takes credit for other peoples stuff.”

    Nice. Especially considering that Carney has basically said “Me too!” to everything Markell has proposed.

  33. Al Mascitti says:

    He also has to nail down that Independent Party endorsement. I’m hearing things that conflict with Mike’s claim.

  34. RickJ19958 says:

    He also has to nail down that Independent Party endorsement. I’m hearing things that conflict with Mike’s claim.

    Do tell, Al…

  35. Al Mascitti says:

    Can’t, got it on the down-low. That’s as much as I can say; we’ll find out soon how good my source on that was.

  36. RSmitty says:

    Al –
    I am hijacking the thread for a moment here…

    Was that “Bob” that called your show at the end yesterday the beloved Rob Foraker? I was just drawing a parallel to Rob’s eery and uncomplimentary fascination with you and that guy on the call yesterday…not to mention why they both fear Obama.

  37. Disbelief says:

    Smitty, did you see my apology above? Truly, that was most ignorant of me.

  38. jason330 says:

    I try not to apologize for my ignaorance, but keep moving ever forward like a speedboat slicing across a perfectly still morning lake.

    But that is just how I roll.

  39. RSmitty says:

    Just did…thanks, but I was admittedly being selfish. David A. can fend for himself! 😀

  40. RSmitty says:

    I try not to apologize for my ignaorance[sic]

    If you did, every post would come with an apology!

    Thank you! Thank you very much!

  41. That Bob was not Foraker. Both whack, perhaps, but distinct unto themselves.

  42. RSmitty says:

    Damn…they are eerily similar. That may be the most whack of all.

  43. Dominique says:

    Jason, that was beautifully poetic. Really.

  44. We will win the GOP nomination and yes we have more than enough money to run and win the primary.

    Our polling among GOP primary voters is ahead of Lee. In fact 2 out of three GOP primary voters does not support the GOP leadership in Delaware. We are very content.

    They seem to know that the GOP convention has not picked a winner for Governor since 1988 or US Senator since 1994.

    Our platform is solid and doing great.

    As for the fee, in 2000 and 2004 Lee paid his filing fee in very late July, it has no bearing on the race at all.

  45. pandora says:

    From your mouth to God’s ears.

  46. Al Mascitti says:

    “We will win the GOP nomination and yes we have more than enough money to run and win the primary.”

    So what? Is there some kind of prize I’m unaware of for winning a primary and getting the crap kicked out of you in November?

    And forgive me, but “we have enough money” doesn’t answer the question. You still haven’t held a fund-raiser, have you? All that support in the polls has translated into how much, exactly?

  47. Disbelief says:

    Sorry Smitty, David A just posted another under the name of “Annie” that has to be the most thick-headed, dumbed-down garbage to date (with perhaps the exception of David A’s left-wing babykiller post).

    Apology withdrawn. Reinstitute incredulity concerning lack of brains on DP.

  48. Disbelief says:

    Dear Lord, I’m not plugging free advertising for another blog, but you have to look at “Annie’s” post by David A. over at DP.

    The freedom to vote is a great right, but people like Annie and David A. make me reexamine certain inalienable rights, or even entertain retroactive birth control measures. The Supreme Court standard is, I believe, still “viability”. I don’t think Annie or Dave pass that one.

  49. RSmitty says:

    Hey now, I did say he can fend for himself! Plus, Annie is a real person, not a pseudonym for Mr.A.

    Me? I just left it alone…very alone.

  50. David says:

    I believe in freedom of speech. Annie emailed us and asked that this legitimate issue be addressed. It is not my personal opinion–I thought I made that clear, but I think that she brought a legitimate issue to the fore. Should we allow unknown foreign interests buy assets vital to national security, and institute policies which the board believes would destroy the long term viability of the company?

    I don’t thinks so. We have to few rail companies left. This hedge fund demanding control won’t even disclose its investors to the regulators who are questioning the propriety of the proposal. Japan turned them down flat.

    I think that you should stop your knee jerking Dis and look at the entire issue. Annie didn’t make it up. CNN, NY Post, government regulators, and the Japanese all had a problem with these people. Blast them before you talk about my friend.

    I disagree with 90% of it for reasons I stated in the comment section and in the note, but that 10% is so compelling it overrides the 90 and made it worthwhile.

    I hope we are still friends. I enjoy your insight and generally agree and sometimes respectfully disagree. Keep reading over on Delawarepolitics.