Filed in National by on June 10, 2008

Can George Bush really be blamed for the high prices of gas? 

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  1. anon says:


    Here’s a map showing percent of income people spend on gas:


  2. RSmitty says:

    That would mean he would have actually had to act on his own. Duh.

    We can blame him for the high price of beer!!!

  3. Tribal Warrior says:

    As Bush Senior said to Bush Junior, “Son, when securing oil fields, you’re supposed to end up with lower oil prices.”

  4. jason330 says:

    Yes. He hired Dick Cheney.

    When Dick Cheney had secret meetings with oil company executives early in the first term they charted out the path that has brought us here.

    Now there is an effort underway to blame high gas prices on “tree huggers” who will not allow drilling for oil in arctic nature reserves.

    I’m getting that from my red neck barometer and the right wing noise machine pushing that talking point with a real fervor.

  5. Annie says:

    Perception is everything. The economy is completely out of whack and the domino effect has harmed people throughout the country. I believe that economic advisors were not adamant enough when they were loudly telling us about the housing bubble. Due to greed in all sectors and lack of being in touch on local issues, the spiraling down continues. Go local and see what the 59% increase in our DPL rates have done; services being cut; porkbarrel spending by the government and no intentions of opening the oil reserves or continued exploration within our own country for fuel sources. I blame everyone in the government for not looking past their own noses and having foresight to take on complex problems before they effect every economic sector and the working poor, which now includes the middle class. Selfish bastards without vision. But then again, I also blame the people who don’t take a stand, who have forgotten the meaning of PROTEST and letter writing campaigns. There are very few who take part in these, but will bitch till the sun goes down. To be heard you have to continue to AGITATE, AGITATE, AGITATE.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    I view it much like I view Katrina with regard to Climate Change. They are related, but not directly. The Bush administration has worked hard to devalue the dollar. Since oil is monetized on the dollar, we end up with expensive oil.

    I actually think that it is an attempt to break China. I think that they have pegged their currency to the dollar, rather than the market, and this is a form of punishment. I use the same method in the pool when little kids refuse to get off my back. Go underwater and stay underwater until they get off.

  7. anon says:

    I actually think that it is an attempt to break China.

    Russia thinks this is just fine.

  8. Steve Newton says:

    Frankly, we had plenty of advance notice (can you say late 1970s and the Arab oil embargo) that this day was coming.

    At that time Dubya and Cheney were both far from office.

    Who do we blame? How about us, for not electing people who could think in terms longer than the next election?

  9. jason,

    I totally agree. Kramer and that other idiot were on NBC yesterday saying we have to drill on both coasts.

    Never said a fucking word about gee, I don’t know alternative energy, public transportation…

    so sickening

  10. Dana says:

    Together with the Congress, in one regard, yes. Because we overspent so much, driving up the deficit, the dollar has been falling. That, more than anything, has been driving the increase in oil prices. And the last thing we want is to see OPEC tie oil prices to the euro!

    Even so, gasoline and diesel fuel are cheaper in the United States than in Europe.

    Now, if we’d stop taking money from people who work and produce, to give to the scumbags who won’t work and don’t produce, we could balance our budget, and the problems would have been solved.

  11. anon says:

    if we’d stop taking money from people who work and produce, to give to the scumbags who won’t work and don’t produce

    I bet your list of scumbags is different from mine.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    GWB himself was flogging the “we can solve our problems with drilling” BS yesterday. Too bad he won’t tell people that new drilling = more fuel in a decade or so and that it is OPEC (and speculators now) that sets the price of oil.

    The security premium that is now built into the cost of a barrel of oil (about $30-45 per barrel depending upon who you read) that is a direct result of the Iraq war is BushCo’s fault. Add to that the price (including the debt service) of the Iraq War which is supposed to be about US National Security interests (oil), there is a great deal of the price of oil that is directly attributable to GWB.

    Does anyone remember how people laughed at Jimmy Carter and his efforts towards conservation and alternative energy? Ronald Reagan had the solar panels Carter put up on the White House torn down shortly after he was elected.

  13. they laughed at his sweater…

    typical GOP strategy to bash the messenger and to cloud the message

  14. No Name for Privacy says:

    I heard a Saudi prince say the cost of oil is $70.00 a barrel and speculators (trying to escape the mortgage mess) are driving up the price……he’s called for a ‘meeting’ of producer & user countries to review the situation.

    RE: Bushco…perhaps the Clinton operatives stole the ‘The Buck Stops Here’ sign before they cleared out 😉

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Now, if we’d stop taking money from people who work and produce, to give to the scumbags who won’t work and don’t produce, we could balance our budget, and the problems would have been solved.

    You mean CEO’s when you say “won’t work and won’t produce” right? If not, what portion of the budget are the programs that we are using to support said scumbags? What portion are we using to prop up industries that have lobbied for subsidies? What about the military industrial complex that has reaped huge rewards for making stuff that explodes?

    You are totally in a world of your own.

  16. TRUTH TELLER says:

    Let’s see who in the Senate voted for the Cheney energy bill ??
    And who voted against it??

    Any guesses??

  17. liberalgeek says:

    yeah, yeah, we get it. Thanks for the update Truthy.

    The answer is, both of the remaining candidates. I was disappointed by that fact, but at least Obama has a plan to move forward on alternative energy. I am sure that it won’t be the last time that Obama disappoints me, but I am sure that McCain will disappoint me more.

    How about you?

  18. TRUTH TELLER says:

    Look L Geek I would rather have my left nut removed than to cast a vote for the SENILE OLD MAN

  19. liberalgeek says:

    OK, that is good to know. So can we start training our fire on the senile old man then? Or shall I start acquiring the equipment for nut removal? 🙂

  20. tt is keeping it real LG 🙂

  21. TRUTH TELLER says:

    I noticed last night on the keith O show they pointed out that he Lied to Newsweek about one of his comments on a story they were doing I just wounder when the article come out will newsweek mention this lie in the story

  22. liberalgeek says:

    who lied? Obama or the Senile Old Man?

  23. TRUTH TELLER says:


  24. liberalgeek says:

    got it. I’m just never sure who you are shooting at.

  25. Al Mascitti says:

    “Now, if we’d stop taking money from people who work and produce, to give to the scumbags who won’t work and don’t produce, we could balance our budget, and the problems would have been solved.”

    You mean like the old and the sick? Because those are the only programs that fit your description. Typical Republican — devil take the hindmost.

  26. Al Mascitti says:

    “Frankly, we had plenty of advance notice (can you say late 1970s and the Arab oil embargo) that this day was coming. At that time Dubya and Cheney were both far from office.”

    Steve: The embargo was in 1973. From Cheney’s bio page at Answers.com:

    “Cheney served as a special assistant to Donald Rumsfeld at the Office of Equal Opportunity (1969 – 70) and then became a staff assistant in the Nixon White House (1970 – 1) and assistant director at the Cost of Living Council (1971 – 3). Cheney left government briefly for banking in 1973; but he had established a close rapport with Rumsfeld and when Rumsfeld headed the Ford transition team, Cheney returned as his deputy. From 1975 to 1976 Cheney was Chief of Staff at the White House, a post he discharged in a low key manner.”

    In other words, he wasn’t all that far from office.

  27. Thanks Al, I was just about to google that for Steve. Bushco is an institution with roots from a long tradition of growing deep pockets even deeper.

  28. liz allen says:

    Al: you are 100% correct. Carter was too honest, although a visionary. He wanted to do something during his term, but the repukes would’nt hear of it. Better check the Articles of Impeachment….who se to blame. Bush/Cheney and the secret “enronization” of america.

    We are now feeling the pinch from their secret oil deals, written by the energy companies. We need to “re-regulate” all these oil/power companies, and hell no, don’t let the right wing nut thugs push us into drilling in Anwar…we wouldnt see a drop of that oil…it all goes to Opec, and it will take decades before one drop flows.

    Blame the tree huggers, rathen than blame the industrialized energy complex, thats the view of the right wing ne ocons….since none of them believe global warming exists, (I guess they don’t watch the floods, hurricanes, tornadoes or the ice melting in the Artic….they would rather listen to Rush the drug addict, or Sham Hammity or Bill OLiely, or Rick Jenson who don’t have a clue about global warming. Who could believe any of these morons, I mean their track record on truth is minus 0!

    35 articles of impeachment folks…all backed up with evidence. Now how many of you have called the “three blind mice” McCarper, McBiden, and McCastle? On my call to Bidens DC office this am, I was told by a screamer that “joe biden didnt vote for this war”…huh, trying to rewrite history there Joe. When I asked the aide, why Biden was in Pakistan with Porter Goss when the $100,000 was paid to the Taliban…the guy went nuts. What are you saying he said. I said, I am asking you why he was there at that time, why did Bhutto mention that in her last interview with David Frost, and why was he in Pakistan when she was murdered? Was he one of the electeds who “talked her into running for Prime Minister, knowing full well she was not going to be protected by the Musharff thugs?

    He kept calling me Sir…hahah…and at the end wanted my name..I said, my name is Jane Doe, from Delaware. Now tell Biden to contact Professor Khan at the U of D, and get a real plan for Iraq, other than splitting it up into 3 parts. I asked the aid if Biden truly believed in democracy, why he was not asking the Iraqi Parliment what they wanted? On Sat. C-span a rerun of the three Iraqi Parliment officials stated “we do not want our country split, we are Iraqi first”. So Senator Biden the aide stated was the “only man with a plan”? Can anyone say dimwits?

  29. liberalgeek says:

    remind me not to run for office…

  30. A. Bundy says:


    Liz Allen, you are still the biggest crackpot in DE! Who needs meds, right? Way to be consistent, girl!

  31. Dana says:

    anon wrote:

    if we’d stop taking money from people who work and produce, to give to the scumbags who won’t work and don’t produce

    I bet your list of scumbags is different from mine.

    My list of scumbags is very short: it consists of criminals and of people who are capable of working but will not, preferring to freeload off the system. (Retired people are excluded from that.)

  32. Jeebus. No words. I got nothin’.

  33. Brian says:

    Hey Dana, how about people who continue to apply for jobs (even the most menial) after losing everything but can’t get one becuase they do not have access to credit so no one is willing to employ them? Are they freeloaders? Or the people so desperate for work they are willing to go to any length to do so but barred from employment because a right-winger is bad mouthing them for political reasons?

  34. TRUTH TELLER says:

    Do these scumbags include EXXON SHELL
    and BP who are at the Tax payers tit also