Delaware Liberal

The Week That Was

The fantastic kavips surveys the interesting headlines of the day and wonders if we are as cocky as we were last week after Obama clinched the Democratic nomination. If I am to believe the evidence of my newsreader, Delaware Liberal doesn’t rate too highly on the cockiness meter, but I have no doubt that we provided a bit of a performance.

I’ll tell you, though, that the thing on kavips’ list that may be the biggest tell of what is to come is that even the comedian Rush Limbaugh is still calling out John McCain. On his manliness, no less. This from a guy who keeps getting caught with viagra not prescribed for him at airports. If McCain still doesn’t have the shill of all RNC shills actually, you know, shilling for him — there’s clearly a whole bunch of GOPers who are gonna be demonstrating alot of independence this election season. We should be on the lookout for the websites they create!

In the meantime, if I could add to kavips’ list:

Jack Abramoff to be sentenced in September, right around the GOPer convention.

The idiot Bill Kristol dispairs over McCain’s campaign.

Bob Novak dispairs over McCains inability to dominate the conservative Christian vote.

This Kossack surveys Hillaryis44 and finds there are only 180 unique screen names.

And, lastly, Tom Tomorrow’s wrap up of last week’s events. Bonus points for spotting the Total Nerd factor here:

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