
Filed in National by on June 10, 2008

Does anyone really believe that Fox News isn’t a tool of the conservatives in America?

h/t C&L


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  1. Al Mascitti says:

    E.D. Hill is my favorite Fox person. She looks like a deranged soccer mom packing heat.

  2. Duffy says:

    “Does anyone really believe that Fox News isn’t a tool of the conservatives in America?”

    Conservatives? No. Republicans? Yes.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Hmmm. Perhaps. One might go so far as to say fascist elements within the Republican party.

  4. Rebecca says:

    One of my favorite Olbermann schticks is when he does his imitation of Rupert Murdock complete with the pirate “arrrr” comments and an absolutely awful Aussie accent. It is too funny. Unfortunately, the fact that more people watch FOX than any other news channel isn’t funny. The fact that those people then go and vote is least funny of all.

  5. No Name for Privacy says:

    A ‘secret message’ between the Obamas???

    What a crock…the so-called fist bump is so common it’s everywhere from kindergarten class to street corners, to graduations…you name it.

    There is nothing secret about the jesture….I like it ’cause it’s shorter than the ‘black power’ handshake and a whole lot less complicated.

  6. jason330 says:

    fist bump…that sucks as a name for it.

    We call it “getting/giving biscuits” OR

    “BISCUITS!” for short.

  7. Al Mascitti says:

    Jason, you silly liberal. The gesture’s new name is “terrorist fist jab” and you should say “Allahu akbar!” when you do it.

  8. cassandra_m says:



    Where I come from this is called dap — for dignity and pride.

    But back to the stupidity of FOX news and their project to Explain Black People So You Can Still Be Scared To Fucking Death Of Them. People who still think that Fox is a credible news organization need to be voted off of the island, quick. They are just holding the rest of us back.

    On the bright side, you get a front row seat to how culture gets appropriated! First the Obamas do the Dap Heard Round the World and then a couple of white chicks on some talking heads show how its done.

  9. liz allen says:

    Rebecca: Fox is no longer the most watched network. MSNBC is. However, I don’t believe much of what they say either. After last nights historical 3 hour deliverance of the Articles of Impeachment, written by consitutional lawyers and delivered by Dennis Kucinch…none of the networks covered it. Not even MSNBC!

    Its time to get all the talking head pundits out of our political debates. Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, Brian Williams have no place in our presidential debates. That job should be done by consitutional lawyers, and Professors of history, or the League of Women Voters, or some non partisan group that works for the common “we the people”. Those talking heads were deplorable as they tore apart any of the “real candidates”, who might have had a chance, if their real views were known by the citizens. They demonized Kucinch, the only man who has been right 98% on everything. They got rid of Ron Paul, refuse to permit Nader, or Mckiney or Barr into the debates….keeping the two party corporate whores at the proverbial corporate trough.

    Imagine a real debate with the third party candidates and Obama and McMad. It would enlighten our citizens, bring real citizen issues into the debate. Its a sorry state for sad, sick, corporate owned Amerikkka.

  10. liz allen says:

    Oh, and you can sign up for the newsletters from
    Media Matters, and other fact checkers. I do, and see the results of the “lying liars” on a daily basis.

    Everytime Rick Jenson makes some statement that is so off the wall, a simple google proves it wrong, it’s obvious he and the right wing talking heads, are talking to those without a computer or ability to fact check their right wing takes on a variety of issues.

  11. A. Bundy says:

    Do any of you really believe that MSNBC isn’t a tool of the liberals in America? Anyone?

  12. Brian says:

    I call it faux news. It the destrucive media organ of the RNC. In the same way that Pravda was a desrtructive media organ of the Russian Communist Party. The similarites between Roger Ailes and Dimitry Malinkovich (I think that was him name) are striking as both seem hell bent on portraying anyone who dos not agree with their ideology as traitors to the motherland. And they both blacklist people who they have intellectual disagreements with like during the Cultural Revolution. The atmosphere of fear the media and the RNC are ting really reminds me of the Cultural Revolution.

  13. jason330 says:

    Do any of you really believe that MSNBC isn’t a tool of the liberals in America? Anyone?

    Please. YOU HAVE AN ENTIRE NETWORK that is a propaganda arm of the party.

    We have one host who is more liberal than conservative.

    There is no comparison what so ever. To imply it you identify yourself as an nimcompoop.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    And, Ms. Terrorist Fist Jab is outtahere! Now if only this jihad could be as successful with the rest of the Fox News lineup…..

  15. heh, great catch Cassandra~! Media Matters is the only blog that I subscribe to but I missed this petition thingie.

  16. The atmosphere of fear the media and the RNC are ting really reminds me of the Cultural Revolution
    Brian, the whole RNC-Rove program was borrowed from that era. Orwell turned on his ear.

  17. FWIW there is no doubt that Jensen gets the RNC talking point memo every morning.

  18. jason330 says:

    That moron’s show was shit canned. Cool.

    I can’t listen to Jensen.

  19. liz allen says:

    There is no question about the talking points Jenson gets. Fulcher said, that he used to try to force them on him. But Gerry did his own research and refused the right wing think tanks, like the Cato Institute.

    Who listens to Jenson, few very few….its so boring, so about nothing! Heard he lost his position of Program Director…how long before the bosses figure out what a bad talking head he is.

    Where is Brian Seelander…I know I gave him a hard time, cuz I wished he would really go after Jenson, but now that hes gone…damn I miss him.

  20. jason330 says:

    I feel the same way about Selander. Give a liberal an cookie and he’ll ask you for a glass of milk.

  21. Al Mascitti says:

    The Cato Institute is libertarian. I thought you liked Ron Paul.

  22. Dominique says:

    Morning Joe showed the clip of Pat Buchanan doing the fist bump with Ali G today. I had forgotten all about that interview – Pat Buchanan referring to WMDs as BLTs. Pure comedic genius.

  23. cassandra_m says:

    AliG in the House!

    McGanja — you’ll love it!

  24. Von Cracker says:

    Me main man, Pat BOOOCANNONN… not really.

  25. Von Cracker says:

    Not really, AB.

    It’s not like the Republicans have adhered to their stated core beliefs, both in fiscal and policy matters Even a partisan has to admit that! And let’s not even get into the ‘family values’ hypocrisy fest and the God wars we’ve had to deal with too.

    Maybe MSNBC’s opinion group, as a whole, sides with the Dems and its ‘liberal agenda’, but the News is delivered in a non-biased way. (Though I know most of their stuff is opinion.) Just like most of the country, the Opinionators at MSNBC decided that the Repubs have been wrong on most everything over the past 10 years….simple as that. Pointing out the truth to people or making a well-informed assessment is not necessarily biased.

    If the Dems did the same things, I’m sure they would be bashing them too.

  26. TRUTH TELLER says:

    Liz i watched Keith give an entire segment to Kucinch’s floor speech on impeachment lats night on countdown