Would A Terrorists Attack On The US Between Now and the Election Help McCain?

Filed in National by on June 11, 2008

According the Chris Mathews and the ENTIRE PANEL on MSNBC’s Hardball it absolutly would.

That’s your liberal counterwieght to Fox News everybody. The “analysis” by people like Tucker Carlson completely ignored the fact that:

a: George Bush and Dick Cheney would be the prime suspects if we were hit again &

b: If George and Dick Cheney were exculpated, the attack would be another in a long list of admistration failures.

The Good News: it took me only two minutes of viewing to remember why I never watch that complete shite.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. liz allen says:

    MSNBC is just as hairbrained as Fake Fox News. Even though they had a online poll today, about impeachment…89% supported it at 5:00….not a word. Tucker Carlson is an idiot. He had no viewers but is still under contract, so they give the looney air time.

    They are as bad as Clinton talking about assassination. For them to bring up another attack…look how they handled 911. Remember how they led us to war, the “War Room”, Shock and Awe”. MSNBC got rid of all credible reporters and journalists…the ones that are left are just as right or right of center as anywhere on corporate media. The only difference is Olberman and we like him because he “appears to be left of center”. He is not…They all read from que cards, written by producers and others…thats why they are called “talking heads”.

    MSNBC, especially Wolf Zionist Blitzer was one who always permitted the “military generals” on his show, selling the war to the people. Blitzer never challenged them…maybe thats why they don’t want to discuss the impeachment issue, because every one of those articles of impeachment were never discussed or reported by them…that was done by consitutional attorneys. So can we say, they were willing, and in collusion, in bed with the govument, while we were talked into attacking a soverign nation?

  2. pandora says:

    Not to be picky, but Wolf Blitzer is on CNN.

  3. Dominique says:

    I don’t know how anyone with a name like Wolf Blitzer gets taken seriously. It sounds like the title character in a Christmas special about a reindeer gone bad.

  4. pandora says:

    Wasn’t that Burgermiester Miesterburger?

  5. Dominique says:

    OMG, now you’re taking me back. Was that the one with the Snow (I’m Mr. Ten Below) Miser and Heat (I’m Mr. Hundred and One) Miser? Remember their skinny little legs?! ? That was my favorite one.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    My favorite one, too. The Year Without a Santa Claus.

  7. jason330 says:

    Dom & Geek,

    You poor things. You have treaded onto sacred ground.

    Everyone knows that “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” (1970) narrated by Fred Astaire as S.D. Kluger, and Mickey Rooney as Kris Kringle/Santa Claus was the highest expression of the Rankin/Bass Christmas Special genre.

    It gives the whole back-story to every Christmas tradition. Granted – Heat Miser stole the show in TYWASC, but there is little else there for the true 70’s era Christmas Special aficionado.

  8. Dominique says:

    Jason, I’m not gonna lie, you’re scaring me a little. Please tell me you got that information from imdb and you didn’t know it off the top of your head.

    BTW, nothing beats A Charlie Brown Christmas. Nothing. The tree with the needles falling off (I still remember the sound of them hitting the ground), poor CB trying to direct the play. OMG, remember the Thanksgiving special with Peppermint Patty and the toast? Classic.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    I’m throwing Dom a bone, since the town that Santa visited in TYWASC voted for Hillary.

    That said, you cannot beat the kumbaya ending of TYWASC, nor the sibling rivalry of the brothers (Mr. Heatmiser and Mr. Cold).

  10. Pandora says:

    Talk about thread hijacking! Actually, I’m a Grinch girl… roast beast and all!

  11. David says:

    Tucker is tremendous. The picture of a true intellectual.

    “George Bush and Dick Cheney would be the prime suspects if we were hit again “&

    Only in the wacho world, would anyone think that GWB and RC would be organizing a terrorist attack. These are the guys who can’t even organize a bus trip from New Orleans.

    You guys are so far out.

  12. Stella Bluez says:

    Rudolph & Clarisse for me….who doesn’t just love The Abominable Snowman & Yukon Cornelius??

    and the elf that becomes…a dentist…

    oh, oh…. & the Island of Misfit Toys….