Invade Iraq. Take the oil. Stay forever.

Filed in National by on June 15, 2008

That’s all Iraq is and all it has ever been.

WMD’s…? Please.

Spread Freedom and Democracy…? Don’t make me laugh.

What I’m feeling: Empty satisfaction from the knowledge that I am less gullible that Joe Biden, Tom Carper and Mike Castle.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (5)

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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    I read this on Eschaton this morning. The Trudy Rubin piece in today’s Philly Inq. is good too.

  2. jason330 says:

    Thanks for only sorta calling me out.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    I’ve been trying to find someone who has calculated the cost of petroleum products including the borrowed funds that finance the Iraq war. That would be a pretty stunning statistic, I’d bet.

    Trudy Rubin’s piece is here. The Iraqis clearly have different stakes in mind here, and I think that we should take the hint. Give them their country (give them milestones if they want it) and let them be responsible for themselves. Perhaps the Iraqis can push BushCo into doing the right thing since our Democratic Congress cannot.

  4. jason330 says:

    Yeah. It was a pretty bad idea by every measure – unless you are a major shareholder of Chevron, ExxonMobil , General Dynamics, Custer Battles, CACI or Bechtel.

    In that case you are sitting pretty and staying in Iraq for a long long long time makes perfect sense.

  5. TRUTH TELLER says:

    Gas in Mexico is around $2.00 a gallon who says a government can’t run something and the Government of Mexico at that