Interesting Name in Obama’s New Hires

Filed in National by on June 16, 2008

I just got an email today about the new people that Obama has hired to head into the general election.  Among the names was one Patti Solis Doyle in the position of “Chief of Staff to the Vice Presidential Nominee.”  Perhaps this means nothing, but Mrs. Doyle was the Campaign manager for Hillary’s campaign before being replaced in the wake of Obama’s victories on Super Tuesday.

So my question is whether this makes a Hillary VP selection more or less likely?  Any guesses?

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  1. By chance, this post lined up in my Google Reader window just prior to a similar note from the Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire. The web is a-quiver with anticipation….

  2. Rebecca says:

    They are usually too smart to telegraph something like this. Very interesting.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    So this time I scooped the WSJ. WooHoo!

    I guess the question that I was getting at is whether this bodes well for Hillary (one of “her people”) or ill (Doyle was bumped off as Campaign Manager). I don’t have a feel for the internal machinations at the Clinton campaign (or the Obama camp, for that matter).

  4. jason330 says:

    This is an ill omen.

    The Hillary campaign was horrible. A real trainwreck – of course look at what they had to work with.

  5. Sagacious Steve says:

    As I understand it, the real problem w/Doyle as Campaign Manager was that the Peter Principle was at work. It was a position for which she was unqualified and had not previously undertaken.

    She apparently had been a superb operative in the Clinton WH w/Hillary.

    I’m sure that reaching out to Doyle is at least a small sign of reconcilation w/the Clinton campaign, and it seems like a position that she will excel in.

    Don’t think it changes the Clinton dynamic at all. FWIW, I don’t think Obama chooses her. And Rebecca’s right, this is by no means foreshadowing on Obama’s part.

  6. G Rex says:

    Another Judas!

  7. June says:

    There is zero chance of Obama choosing Clinton for VP, no matter what it may look like.

  8. Nancy Willing says:

    Wasn’t this woman the one Hillary dumped and that pissed off the hispanics?
    I just googled her and the answer to the above is yes.
    So, no, this is not a pro-Clinton move.

  9. Dominique says:

    He picked the one person from Hillary’s staff that managed to under-perform even Mark Penn. Do you really think he picked her because of her awesome skill set? This is not a move of reconciliation with the Clinton camp. She’s not even on speaking terms with Hillary. This is Obama showing his ass and sending a signal to Hillary that she will not be the VP. So shocking that he would choose the low road being that he’s such a ‘different kind of politician’ and all.

    This is actually outstanding news as far as I’m concerned. Not only does it prove that he lacks character, but it also puts one of my biggest fears (and yours, I’m sure) – that he would pick Hillary – to rest. I don’t want to be put into the position of having to even think about voting for him.

  10. jason330 says:

    You’ll come around.

  11. jason330 says:

    Anyway, in other news. It looks like the days of sucking up to Florida and Ohio are over.


    I’m glad that is all done with.

  12. Dana says:

    The Clinton people are just hopping mad about this one, one Clinton insider reportedly saying that this was a reward for Mrs Doyle having cost Mrs Clinton the nomination.

    That, of course, is sour grapes: the person who cost Hillary Clinton the nomination is Hillary Clinton!

  13. liz allen says:

    Hold on, shouldn’t the Veep be able to pick his OWN chief of staff? huh! Wonderin bout Joe Biden, he hasnt voted in 2 weeks….where is he? Pakistan again? or on Obama’s short list, damn I hope not.

    Eric Holder a consitutional atty, on the Veep search says they are looking for a “real consitutional person to fill the veep position”, sounds good to me. If we are to get back to the rule of law, follow the Constitution, and Geneva Conventions, might be nice to actually have a Veep skilled in consitutional law, to undue every violation of the Bushites, that could take the whole four years, but we would come out of the last 8 years of consitutional horror with such a person. I think Obama is “thinking outside the box” and we might all be surprised at his actual choice.

    Al Gore is a personal fave, glad he has endorsed! Al Gore the real president imagine this country if the Supremes had kept out of the Florida election, he was winning the vote by 384 when the Supremes stopped the counting. Course he would have had to hired a “food taster” with Sleiberman as veep.

  14. cassandra m says:

    This is a campaign Chief of Staff position and does not necessarily translate to the real deal in January.

    More Clintonistas will likely show up in Obama’s staff, and that is part of the peacemaking. Obama’s staff doesn’t much like alot of internal drama, so I would not expect this to be a signal of anything other than taking up some of her staff.

  15. Nancy Willing says:

    Dom is a wind up doll, predicatable and monotoned and boring as shit after the first day she speaks. Just my opinion, natch. SNOOOOOOORE.

  16. Pandora says:

    When it comes to Hillary supporters/McCain voters Obama can’t win. I fully expect them to read an insult into every hire/appointment. If he had picked an Edwards staffer for the position then that would have been a slight against Hillary. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t sort of thing.

  17. Dominique says:

    Wow. Nancy took an unsolicited personal shot at me again. Shocking.

    C & P – It would be one thing if Obama gave a job to a Clinton loyalist (Rendell, McAuliffe). He didn’t. He picked someone with whom they are on bad terms. Why would you think that’s insignificant? It would be kind of like Clinton hiring Rev. Wright to be the VP candidate’s spiritual advisor.

  18. jason330 says:

    Holy shit….if Obama gave a job to McAuliffe I’d vote for McCain!!

  19. cassandra m says:

    He picked someone with whom they are on bad terms.


    Solis-Doyle is still definitely a Clintonista in good standing with the only Clintonista that counts (HRC). She was let go because she could not manage a campaign– certainly not a campaign whose “inevitable” strategy had just gone down in flames and had absolutely no Plan B in effect. Evidently she was quite good as a manager for HRC’s White House staff.

  20. Al Mascitti says:

    Cassandra: Don’t know where you’re getting that information. It runs counter to everything I’ve seen on where their relationship stands.

  21. cassandra m says:

    There is plenty that says that PSD is on non-speaking terms with senior persons left at the Clinton campaign after she left, but everything that I’ve seen about this relationship is pretty clear about who is not speaking to whom and it is senior staff — Mark Armbinder over at The Atlantic has had some of the better reporting on this.

  22. Al Mascitti says:

    Not that I’ve seen. He makes clear that he’s guessing at motives, and even guessing at what it means. He might be more honest than others about what he doesn’t know, but it’s pretty plain he doesn’t know a lot. Lots of other reporters have senior staff saying specifically that HRC hasn’t spoken to her since the firing.