QOD (until DV posts a better one)

Filed in National by on June 16, 2008

Who thinks that all this praise of Tim Russert as a guy who “asked tough questions” and “held people accountable” will encourage journalists to ask George Bush “tough questions” and hold him “accountable?”

PS. Kudos to Donviti for yesterday’s QOD.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Short answer: No

    After a Democrat is elected President, however, the press will go back to asking tough questions because the MSM lives in mortal fear of being considered “liberal.”

  2. Dominique says:

    I really enjoyed MTP and watching Tim cover various election nights because you could tell it was so much more than a job for him; it was a passion (same with Chris Matthews). You could just how much he enjoyed covering all things political. That said, I don’t think he was a terribly tough interviewer. He may have asked tough questions and called people out for waffling, but he – like the rest of them – never really asked follow up questions or hounded them until he got something other than a sound bite answer (unless it was something stupid like ‘are you going to run for president’).

    It’s almost as though all of the MSM journalists work in conjunction with the various campaigns to keep the candidates from getting too bruised throughout the process. It’s sickening. It seems like the blogs are the only place you can go to get real journalism, but they’re usually so biased that there’s no way to know if the ‘in-depth’ reporting they do is accurate. Someone told me the only real source for American news is the BBC. How sad is that?

  3. kavips says:

    Addendum to Dominique’s statement.

    blogs are the only place you can go to get real journalism, but they’re usually so biased that there’s no way to know if the ‘in-depth’ reporting they do is accurate.

    There is an easy way to verify a blog’s credibility. Check thelinks.… Then check those links.…. That is what makes blogs more reliable than a newspaper…. You read one of those and you have to take them at face value.

    Such as been done to the News Journal for years, because there was no one or no outlet to challenge them. Just as soon as that outlet appeared, lo and behold, their pandering to the elite became tempered, otherwise they stood to lose all credibility…..

    Check the links..

    That is all one has to do. Otherwise you might as well get your information from your next door neighbor… Sometimes it is accurate, and sometimes it is way off….

    Check thelinks..

  4. kavips says:

    I believe I dropped a comment into moderation.

  5. Brian says:

    I believe that questions deserve a better answer than that men and fish can live together….. or that a single mom can put food on her family….or that soverginity means well it means your a place that is soverign. No questions on any of those? No wonder there is no impeachment- except for democrats. You know folks I am sick and tired of the right framing the debates and making the democrats respond. I want an assertive and freedom oriented democratic party. We need to frame the debates, ask the tough questions, and show that Democrats are the last and best hope fopr this country. But to do that you have to act like democrats; I want somebody to grow some FDR size cajones. I think the best combination will be libertarians and democrats because we are oriented towards freedom and the constitution, and democrats know how to make a more equal society and prevent excess when they want to do so.

  6. Dominique says:

    Brian –

    You’re not going to find assertiveness in the Dem party. What you will find is a bunch of people who like to speak very eloquently about justice but lack the balls to actually fight for it – a bunch of wishy-washy show ponies. Republicans are the opposite – lots of strength, but very little compassion. I’ve said before that a party that combined the Dem’s ideas and the Repub’s drive would make for a much better government.

  7. donviti says:

    was traveling yesterday and didn’t have time.

    It is a great question too. I had thought of a very similar question. But my question was going to be along the lines of:

    “how long do you think it will take for the press to fall back to their normal chickenshit reporting since I’m sure their balls have swelled 10x’s their normal size thinking of how great timmy the White House Tool was?”

    But that’s just me…