Delaware Liberal

The New Line of Bull

I was watching MSNBC for a little while this evening and I saw an interview with Heidi Harris and Amy Goodman. My Spidey sense started tingling when Harris said that women vote Democratic because they vote with their heart, not their head. If I said that, my wife would stab me in the neck.

To his credit, Matthews pressed her asking, if women aren’t voting with their head on abortion. She said, I don’t think that Roe v. Wade will be overturned no matter who they put on the court. To top it off, she said that most of the women complaining about abortion are too old to have children.

The good part is about 5:15 into the video. Is this the new whisper campaign? “McCain really isn’t anti-abortion, he’s just saying that to get the crazy-ass zealot vote. Your right to an abortion is safe with John McCain.”

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