Who is the real John McCain?

Filed in National by on June 16, 2008

Personally, I consider John McCain the gift that keeps on giving. Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

Consider this…

Right Wing Outraged: McCain Brags Of Supporting Clinton’s Supreme Court Nominees

Now consider this…

Losing his reputation for independence could prove particularly costly this year.

Is anyone happy with this guy? (Besides me!)

Which raises another question… with all the self-inflicted holes in McCain’s Presidential resume, who will he pick for his running mate? Given McCain’s inability to commit to issues maybe he should be allowed to have two running mates. One for each side of his mouth.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. kavips says:

    Don’t be too hard on the guy… For every time he takes an attack from the hard right, he proves exactly just how powerless that fringe element actually is….

    They can’t even get Republicans to pay attention to them.

    Current polls show Republicans to the languishing around 25 % of those expected to vote.

    So yes on a political level a hit at McCain is a fist pump for Obama….

    But those of us who have been fighting against “voodoo economics” for a long time, are seeing the eyelids of America beginning to open……..

  2. pandora says:

    But I can’t help being hard on the guy. There’s simply too much to work with. Here’s another case of a politician being over handled. The republican base doesn’t trust him, and neither do independents. He’s stuck wooing two different groups, and every time he gives one a kiss he smacks the other.

    What does he really stand for? Believe in? Can anyone really tell me what McCain’s opinion on torture, tax cuts, immigration, and Iraq is? The scary thing? This is a serious question.

    Didn’t someone once say something about trying to be all things to all people? 😉

    Loved the link, Brian. I didn’t even touch on the stupid comment issue.

  3. TRUTH TELLER says:

    As I said before McCain should be viewed as a Victim because of family Connections he was placed in Harms Way that lead to an unqualified pilot being shot down and captured and that makes him a Victim and not a hero for that feat . The only hero status he deserves is the one that goes with all the heroes who served.

  4. Brian says:

    McCain forgot all that after starting aricpet. All he remembers is that his name used to be Mr. Wharf and he served on the starship eneterprise with Jean Luc-Picard.

  5. RAY K> says:

    If you want more of the same vote Mccain, If your parade needs rain vote McCain, If you are totally insane vote McCain!!!!!!!!

  6. liz allen says:

    McMads comments on the historic Supreme Court decision says it all. This was the third time the Supremes voted agin bush. They did so in 2004 and 2006 and the Bushites ignored them. McCain agreeing with Bush agin…saying the Supremes were wrong…says much. More proof that the neo cons do not believe in the Constitution or rule of law, don’t believe in Habeus Corpus! McBush, McMad and McCastle are faithful enablers!

  7. truth teller says:

    After McCain left the Navy and got a clear Bill of health he took off in a single engine Ultra Light aircraft and now I know that you folks may find this hard to believe but he crashed it yet another time this makes the fifth airplane that he has lost.
    For more info on this subject go to Huffington post and read Jeffrey Kline’s piece