Democrats for McCain is a Farce
McCain has been touting his Democrats for McCain for the past week. Talking Points Memo effectively debunks the list of “Prominent Democrats” included.
Some of the “Democrats” and “Independents” on the list already have often supported Republicans in the past, suggesting that there’s little if any meaning to their support for McCain over Obama. And others have a history of hostility towards the Democratic Party that makes it difficult, if not impossible, to take them seriously as genuine cross-over supporters.
I’m going to keep an eye on the list for John Atkins to appear as “An independently-minded Democrat and former member of the Delaware House of Representatives.”
Other than Dominique and Melissa/Robin/Marie/Cleo I have yet to meet a Hillary supporter who’s now voting for McCain.
Hell, TT is voting for Obama.
These faux Clinton supporters you cite are practicing faux outrage. Guess they didn’t consider “the Google” before signing their names to the list. *sigh* It’s like shooting ducks in a barrel.
Dominique is voting for Obama, but she is trying to smoke out fake Democrats with her “crazy-Ivan” comments.
Keep that under your hat.
Required viewing for the “I’m taking my Hillary and going home!!!” crowd.
Republicans so afraid, they will throw everything including the kitchen sink. McMad is McBush done over. Anyone who doesnt believe the 5-4 vote on the Supreme Court (with 3 separate rulings) against Gitmo, and the black sites around the world, who doesnt believe that the Supremes rule stands, are simply non-believers in the Consitution and rule of law.
All these horrors were committed on the repuke watch, that will not change with a McMad. I think the repukes need McCain to win, so he can pardon all the evil doers. I don’t even care about impeachment anymore, I want them prosecuted at the International Court at the Hague. If this had been done during Iran Contra, someone high up actually went to prison, maybe presidents of the future would think twice about going around the Consitution, Geneva Conventions and International law.
Any democrat and even independents of sound mind will not be voting for McMad, no matter how they spin it, no matter what lies and garbage they make up, the people are too wise now, they can get their news on the internet, not dependent on the corporate media to feed them pablum and sell it as news.
I can’t wait for the debates, having them stand side by side so the world can see “this is old and this is new”.