Wingnuts everywhere are having one of their synchronized Major League Snits over the fact that Obama has (rightly) opted out of the presidential public financing system.
These so-called fiscal conservatives who won’t fund SCIHP, extended unemployment benefits or foreclosure help (but who are delighted to send plenty of money to bail out Bear Sterns or to subsidize coal or oil extraction or to the Swiss bank accounts of KBR) are actually whining about one man who is refusing to take $84 million of the public’s funds.
Fiscal conservatives — the don’t spend any money unless you are bombing people or I am getting my slice crowd — are suddenly apoplectic when someone decides to leave public funds on the table. They are absolutely livid when a candidate for president actually decides to pull himself up by his own bootstraps and do the work of getting his supporters to fund his campaign. They are appalled that a candidate could be so confident that his supporters will fund his campaign and won’t have to manage the strings and restrictions that come with government funding.
Republicans really are the New Welfare Queens.