Obama is an issue hog
Geez, doesn’t Obama know that 9/11 is a Republican issue? Didn’t he get the memo that said: Democrats must defer to Republicans on National Security and all things 9/11?
Obviously not, or he’d never have said…
“I refuse to be lectured on national security by people who are responsible for the most disastrous set of foreign policy decisions in the recent history of the United States. The other side likes to use 9/11 as a political bludgeon. Well, let’s talk about 9/11.
Oh my. Is nothing sacred anymore? Thank goodness McCain has the environmental issue to fall back on. Umm… maybe not since greedy Al Gore won’t let go of that one.
Could someone help me out here? What exactly are McCain’s issues?
Oh my gosh the second part of that quote is brilliant as well.
How many way can I be in love with this approach?
It (at last) points out that Republicans have been utter failures at national security – and drives a stake into what is supposed to be McCain’s one strength.
I was going to paste this as well, but I didn’t want to be a “blog hog”! đ
For further reading, I reccomend this great Mydd post on Obama’s shrewd partisanship.
I think he is right about this, but we really need a class act foreign policy now and I am not sure how we are going to get from the Bush Administration to there? I hope Senator Obama addresses this issue.
There is a bit of bitching about Obama’s supporting a horrid Blue Dog DEM today at Kos or from Atrios, I forget) . Probably the same impetus that had him support Lieberman right up until the primary loss and the only tepidly switch to Lamont.
I see that Mascitti found it too:
I donât know how liberal you people are, but if you want some actual anti-Obama ammunition, check out Glenn Greenwaldâs blog at Salon.com.
Yes very Powerful statement but why isn’t it getting more coverage in the Media???