Filed in National by on June 20, 2008

What book are you currently reading? 

You do realize that the Dellib Summer Book Club has asked you to read, Audacity of Hope by July 7th? (look on the right for the link)

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  1. RSmitty says:

    What book are you currently reading?

    Blogging At Work For Dummies: The Ins-and-Outs of Looking Over Your Shoulder While Looking Ahead At Your Monitor….forward by DonViti, D.H.B.

  2. G Rex says:

    Eichmann in Jerusalem, by Hannah Arendt, to be followed by A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini.

  3. Grex, 1000 splendid sons is a great read

  4. jason330 says:

    That is a coincedence. I’m reading Ardnet in Berlin by Adolf Eichmann.

  5. RSmitty says:

    Do childrens’ books count? I got a ton of those that I (must) read on a nightly basis! Who am I kidding…I freaking cherish the hell out of this moment in my life.

    Skippyjon Jones is a great read! Actually, for a kids book, it is a fun read.

  6. Al Mascitti says:

    “The River of Doubt,” but I’m away from home so I don’t know the author. It’s about Teddy Roosevelt’s South American trip, undertaken after his defeat as a third-party candidate in 1912, in which he was in a small party that charted previously unmapped tributary of the Amazon. A great history-as-page-turner, gripping enough to keep you awake poolside or seaside.

  7. sounds…yawn….really gripping 🙂

  8. Duffy says:

    Duma Key, Stephen King

  9. Dust, Charles Pellegrino

  10. Hube says:

    WTF?? Since when does dimwitty and Jason read??

  11. Devil May Care, the new James Bond novel. Also, Snuff by Chick Palahniuk and the new David Sedaris book. And The Great Derangement by Matt Taibbi.

  12. Pandora says:

    I just read Hube-ris. It was hopelessly predictable and boring.

  13. Dominique says:

    Mike – Is the new Dave Sedaris good? Does it hold a candle to Me Talk Pretty One Day?

  14. Dom,

    No, not at all. It’s good, but I think his act is wearing thin. He’s almost got it down to a formula. Has its moments, though.

  15. RickJ19958 says:

    Mike –
    Did you ever read “Wigfield”? Basically written by the Strangers with Candy group.

  16. RAY K> says:

    I`m reading A Demon Of Our Own design by Richard Bookstaber, It spells out how hedge funds use the lack of regulation to steal us blind. They may indeed be the main culprit behind high oil and commodity prices, using colusion and manipulation to make themselves and their clients super wealthy, and to insure they will keep it no matter what happens to the rest of us.

  17. RAY K> says:

    Bye the way I have read obama`s book and it is just as bad as profiles in courage by JFK, which may be a good sign. Both are mindless pollyanna crap.

  18. Another Mike says:

    “I Lost My Love in Baghdad” by Newsweek correspondent Michael Hastings. Hastings is angling for an assignment in Iraq, but before Newsweek gives in he meets a PR flak from Air America and they start a relationship. She wants to be with him that she goes to Baghdad with him (don’t know why or how she got there, only about halfway through). The title is a bit of a giveaway, but it’s a good read.

    Also on my summer list: KO’s “Truth and Consequences.”

  19. hube your idiocy escapes me. I only asked what others are reading, but if I implied that I too was reading something well….

    besides we all know Republicans read less. They think they have it all figured out and just need to keep trying over and over to get it right

  20. No Name for Privacy says:

    For an eye opener on why African Americans can’t seem to pull themselves up by their boot straps try:

    Douglas Blackmon on SLAVERY BY ANOTHER NAME ….. Journalist Douglas Blackmon tells another tale of freedom postponed and denied.

    Monied jokers in the U.S. were trading in humans up to the world wars….and that’s just the tip of the dung heap.