George Carlin Dead at 71

Filed in National by on June 23, 2008

George Carlin was one of those comedians that reached multiple generations, for about 40 years everyone who liked smart comedy, knew (and probably loved) George Carlin.  Carlin died of an apparent heart attack.  I may have to rent Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure this weekend.

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    He will be missed.

    To bad we don’t have a few more like him.

  2. jason330 says:

    My hippy parents got me the “Class Clown” LP when I was eight.

    Of course it seemed edgier than it was. Basically, it was just great stand-up.

  3. jason330 says:

    On second thought. It was as edgy as it seemed.

  4. Dana says:

    Trouble is, no one could deliver the appropriate eulogy for George Carlin but George Carlin.

  5. Pandora says:

    I’m renting Dogma in his honor.

  6. Steve Newton says:

    When I saw that he had died this morning, I automatically said all the words you can’t say on TV.

    The majority of all the historical characters I do in my classroom are based at least in part on George.

  7. Tyler Nixon says:

    Probably my favorite comedian of all time. I regret now that I missed his Wilmington appearance last year. Just two days ago I popped in “Carlin at Carnegie” for some timeless laughs.

    Carlin was a firebrand who age never mellowed in the slightest, nor made any less funny.

    Serious bummer.

    Rest in peace, George.

  8. Sagacious Steve says:

    I’m gonna have some jumbo shrimp in his honor while pondering the incongruity of the term ‘jumbo shrimp’.

  9. JohnnyX says:

    (in my best Keanu Reaves impersonation)…

    “Rufus! Duuude, Rufus is dead? This is most non-triumphant.”

  10. JohnnyX says:

    Also, for Steve and anyone else who’s a fan of the words you can’t say on TV – here they are set to music:

  11. I think he died of heart failure, it may have been more like complications from congestive heart failure than an attack.
    P. I adore Dogma!!!

    The opening scene at Ashbury Park’s boardwalk, where god-as-old-man is beaten unconscious, is where some of the Soprano’s scenes are shot and is right up the beach from Ocean Grove, NJ where my sister Fran spends every summer. We are always hanging around that boardwalk. Anyhoo, gotta love New Jersey!

  12. G Rex says:


  13. Von Cracker says:

    Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits.

    In case anyone was wondering. 😉

    Sad day for us foul-mouthed liberals.

  14. G Rex says:

    Is there an actual FCC document on record that says “You can’t say motherfucker on TV” or does it just say the F-word, the C-word, the other C-word and so on?