Seriously? Can you f’ing imagine if you did this

Filed in National by on June 24, 2008

If this type of thing doesn’t bug the shit out of you there is really something wrong.  Partisan or not, when people agree to testify and then don’t show up we have a real issue with enforcing the rule of law.  When it doesn’t happen from the top down, what type of message does that send to the rest of the country

Former Under Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith had agreed to testify before a House Judiciary subommittee on interrogation techniques used on detainees, but when June 18 rolled around, Feith was nowhere to be found.

In response subcommittee chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) has announced that he will consider issuing a subpoena to force Feith’s testimony at a subcommittee meeting tomorrow afternoon

 Consider?  Consider?  WHAT?  HUH…

The next Delaware’s hottest blogger is asked to testify on his hotness I may agree to do it, but if something else comes along more important (like a good dump) I may have have to take a pasadena and wait for the subpeona

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hiding in the open

Comments (9)

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  1. Pandora says:

    They do it because they get away with it. There’s no enforcement… kinda like the Christiana Mall situation.

    Start issuing subpoenas and people will start showing up.

  2. Brian says:

    I am not so sure, they may just neglect the subpoena…..

  3. cassandra m says:

    Start issuing subpoenas and people will start showing up.

    That didn’t work for Josh Bolten or Harriet Miers.

    And in the resulting court case, the Judge notes that Congress has tools they haven’t used yet, such as jail (there is a cell in the building) and witholding funds from the Executive.

    The Judge is right.

    (I love Froomkin’s title for this posting, and would have used it myself if I had been around to do a posting re: FISA)

  4. No Name for Privacy says:

    Contempt of Congress citations for all involved.

    Donhoni I should have known you could wax poetic but I was surprised:

    “……take a pasadena and wait for the subpeona.”

  5. G Rex says:

    Someone should tell Mr. Feith that this tactic only works for Hillary fundraisers, and only for so long.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Doesn’t our passive-aggressive Congress allow the opportunity to voluntarily testify before going the subpeona route? I don’t know if that was the case here, but just wondering about it. My guess is that with the lack of a compelling court/legal-order, you can agree to whatever the hell you want to shut them up for a while.

    Subpeona the beeyatch, hope he doesn’t show up, and then send him to Gitmo for a while….forget he’s there.

  7. JoeCass says:

    I heard Feith did the Bill Bennet Sirius show that afternoon.

  8. Truth Teller says:

    This happens time and time again because the Dem’s have no balls.

    Where is OUR KARL ROVE

  9. RAY K> says:

    Did you miss the memo, REPUBLICANS are above the law? Move on peasents this matter doesn`t concern you!