Windpower Deal Winners

Filed in National by on June 24, 2008

Yesterday, Jason and I, along with 3 other bloggers attended that Newark press conference for Bluewater Wind.  There are definitely winners in this deal.  You and I are winners.  Our rates will rise marginally, but we might not notice it by then, because the energy bills will be even further out of control.

John Carney is a huge winner.  I think that Bluewater mentioned him 5+ times during the meeting and they credit him with putting the pressure on the opposition using real levers of power, jobs and money.  John’s stock went way up yesterday, sorry Jack backers.

Of course, Bluewater Wind was a winner.  They now have an anchor client and they have a hell of a story to sell to other power companies.  I’m hoping for a maximally-sized wind park by the time they have to give the size to Delmarva in two years.

Gary Stockbridge won, too.  The concession that DeLuca put together for REC’s will be advantageous to Delmarva.  The fact that he get to spread this out to all customers will also be good for Delmarva, I believe.

Who are the losers?  Well I think that will have to wait for another post.  But it was wonderful seeing the turnout at the hastily-organized press conference.  Bonus points will be awarded to anyone that can guess who ended my attendance at the press conference by flipping me the bird across the room (Matthews, you don’t get a guess).

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  1. FSP says:

    I have video of the BWW Rehoboth press conference that I’m putting up in pieces over at

    The only losers I can see in all of this are the newspaper and radio advertising departments who no longer get to print money courtesy of BWW and DPL.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Thanks, Dave. A little birdie told me that you had done that. Unfortunately, right after, the little birdie flew into the blades of a wind turbine…

    As for losers, I don’t agree, although WDEL’s stock just went in the crapper.

  3. Dana says:

    Ahhh, the arrogance of the left. Mr Geek wrote:

    Our rates will rise marginally

    Having formerly resided in the First State, I noticed that, surprise, there were a lot of poor people living in Wilmington. Further south, I saw some rather shabby-looking homes in Kent and Sussex Counties. What you blithely write off as no big deal, “Our rates will rise marginally,” means that some of the poor will have to do without something to pay that marginally higher electric bill.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    $3.50 a month, assuming that rates don’t go up any more between now and then, Dana. Prick.

  5. jason330 says:

    Biggest Loser: Harris McDowell (althought he tries to put on a brave face in this morning’s WNJ. He has been exposed as a fraud and a corrupt bag man for big business.

    Biggest Winner: The Earth. This project is perfectly placed to demostrate the economic benefits of wind power to policy makers in DC.


    It is tough times to be a wing-nut isn’t it? Lay back, close your eyes and think of Barbara Bush.

  6. RAY K> says:

    the first peoples victory in a while, the times they are a changing. congrats to all you bloggers, you worked real hard on this. the price of wind will always stay the same zero.

  7. RSmitty says:

    Geek –

    While I can envision me flipping you the bird (all in good fun, but that goes to show what happens when you don’t buy me my requisite Corona), I have to admit I am at a loss for once. This isn’t as easy as guessing Mahaffie’s odometer (go figure).

    I’m going to shoot the moon and say that George Dubya was there and let loose when he saw you.

    My gut wants to guess McDowell, but two problems, I can’t imagine him being anywhere near there, except that it’s mid-way between his two districts, and I just don’t see an office holder that would lose his cool in public like that and flip the bird…except Dubya, of course. He’s done it.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Nope and nope. Although it would be nice if Dubya saw me and felt compelled to flip me the bird.

  9. RSmitty says:

    Was it Protack’s router?

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Is Carney a winner or was he just doing his job? Or both? It will be interesting to see polls of this race to find out.

  11. No Name for Privacy says:

    Jason: “It is tough times to be a wing-nut isn’t it? Lay back, close your eyes and think of Barbara Bush.”

    Is that Barbara, senior or Barbara, junior.

    Just asking :- )

  12. RickJ19958 says:

    I have a guess.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    Let’s hear it, Rick.

  14. jason330 says:

    I know. But I’m curious. Was it an angry flip off, or a “we are so tight we can” flip off?

  15. RickJ19958 says:

    Dana Garrett?

  16. Delaware Dem says:

    I have guesses on both sides of the political spectrum.

  17. Delaware Dem says:

    Dana Garrett is my guess on the left too. Dave Burris on the right.

  18. Delaware Dem says:

    But if it was Dana or Dave, why would you feel the need to leave. I would just laugh.

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Nope, on all counts. Nice tries though. I seriously doubt that Burris would give me the finger.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    FTR, I was leaving and I got the finger for my parting words of wisdom.

  21. Delaware Dem says:

    Is it a blogger or a politician?

  22. liberalgeek says:

    I do not think that there were any politicians there.

  23. jason330 says:

    Jim Lanard?

  24. MikeW says:

    Rob Foraker?

  25. anon says:

    This is a MUCH better QOD.

  26. RSmitty says:

    I had a thought of Foraker, too, but then I considered that he might have no idea who Geek is, although he’s probably delivered a pizza to his house and subsequently installed a camera to spy…I mean ensure Geek’s safety.

    Was it Dom?

  27. liberalgeek says:

    Nope. I think Dom likes me.

  28. RSmitty says:

    Damn it, Geek, you’re pissing me off now! Was it me?

  29. liberalgeek says:

    Although, honestly, I think this person likes me also… But they were quite angry with the hard time I gave them at the press conference.

  30. Delaware Dem says:

    Ok, so it is not Matt, not Dom, not Dana Garrett, not Dave Burris, not any politician, not Jim Lanard.

    Nancy Willing?

  31. RSmitty says:

    Well, you swore Matthews off from guessing, so that’s someone you both know and my guess were probably both hanging out with. Then, we have to add the who-would-flip-a-bird-in-middle-of-room aspect after being pissed off (presumably fairly easy as well).

    My last guess before I start calling you names:

  32. liberalgeek says:

    ding ding ding ding!

    We have winners.

  33. RSmitty says:

    Crap…I wasn’t first. I heard that on my wedding day, too.

  34. RSmitty says:

    Dude. She wasn’t pissed. That meant kisses and love and drive carefully.

  35. liberalgeek says:

    No, she was pissed. In many ways.

  36. Delaware Dem says:

    Hahaha, wow Smitty. TMI.

    Interesting that it was Nancy. And you took it as an angry gesture. Interesting.

  37. RSmitty says:

    And you took it as an angry gesture…

    See, Geek? Told you it was kisses and love and drive carefully.

  38. liberalgeek says:

    You know the multiple meanings of the word “pissed”?

  39. RSmitty says:

    Yeah, one is beyond perturbed and the other is just nasty. I am now looking at you in a whole new light, Geek. For some perspective, don’t forget that DV/DHB and I speak on a daily basis now, so again…I am now looking at you in a whole new light. Nasty.

  40. liberalgeek says:

    Nope, in Europe it has a different meaning than either of the two you have alluded to.

  41. Oh, lord. Starting trouble, are we? 😉

  42. liberalgeek says:

    Worse, I may be giving Dana Garrett more fodder.

  43. Pandora says:

    Now you have my undivided attention. Why would Nancy flip you off? You mentioned a parting comment?

    Stop teasing and start talking! 😉

  44. liberalgeek says:

    Nope. Perhaps Nancy will answer that question…

  45. RSmitty says:

    You didn’t tell me to think of European-pissed, you wanker!

    That gets me thinking, where’s my lager?!

  46. Delaware Dem says:

    I actually won the bet. Where’s mine?

  47. RickJ19958 says:

    It sounds like Nancy may still be sleeping, maybe she’ll answer later.

  48. RSmitty says:

    Yo….it’s NATIONAL . Of course, that’s probably old news by now.

  49. Bwahahahaha! says:

    Biggest Winner: Harris McDowell. Beat you all down like a slow pony on a deadline. Saving the consumer $2 billion and giving a whosyourdaddy to Bobcock and Browneye in the process. Didya buy them dinner first, Harris? Creampie for dessert, eh????

    Biggest Loser: Jason Scott. All jelq, no pudding. Ya know what I’m sayin’? When you bust a nut, it comes out as dust. You’re dried up, bud.

  50. liberalgeek says:

    Thanks for visiting, Harris.

  51. Al Mascitti says:

    What a surprise, another Democrat with smut where his brains should be.

    B&B was never in the drivers seat, Bwana, HMcD was, and we got our hands on the wheel. If you’d take your hands out of your pants you might think straighter.

  52. Delaware Dem says:


    I wouldn’t call this “Bwahahaha” person a Democrat. It is a troll.

  53. jason330 says:

    Ya know what I’m sayin’?

    No. And I don’t care to.

  54. Al Mascitti says:

    Could be, DD. I just assumed that if he’s praising McDowell, he must be a Dinosaur Democrat.

  55. Delaware Dem says:

    Dinosaur Democrats are unaware of the internets.

  56. delawaregal says:

    While Carney received credit at the press conference, I believe Markell is also a winner in this deal. He was the first statewide elected official to support the idea, and his leadership helped bring many others onboard. He traveled around the state promoting this idea, and I think people will remember his support before the rest of the state government followed. This is just one of many good ideas Markell has for Delaware.

  57. liberalgeek says:

    delawaregal – Yes, Markell came out early, but one can argue that he had no influence on the outcome. Carney knew the players, the motivators and the strings to pull to get it done. I don’t know how much influence that will have on the electorate, but many will undoubtedly see this as a success for Carney on an issue that he had real influence with.

    Conversely, I am sure that you would be all over Carney if the deal had died. It would have been 24×7 “Carney couldn’t pull it off.” I remain uncommitted to either of the Dem candidates, but you have to view this as a coup for Carney.

  58. OK, I need to meet Bwahahaha! Send me an email, dude! I’m loving the doctored motivational posters.

  59. RSmitty says:

    I just thought of some new winners in this deal:
    Mike Protack and the IPoD-4. Seriously. How much mention did they get in the last 24 hours?

  60. Dominique says:

    FTR, I am, in fact, a fan of the geek’s and would never give someone the finger in anger (unless it was on the road as I tend to suffer a bit of road rage from time to time…I’m not proud).

    I’m with Mike, btw. I enjoy Bwahahaha’s tiny urls. The one posted above made me do a spit take.

  61. liberalgeek says:

    Dom – Thanks for the vote, but that was me in the car in front of you… 🙂