Filed in National by on June 25, 2008

If you had the chance to represent your blog and the blogosphere in general on a television program, what would be the one theme or message you would want to get out?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Ah, so you got the call for Friday evening?

    The one theme or message that you need to get out is that we are not freaks in pajamas. Blogs are an alternative medium of news and opinion that arose when our traditional media failed us back in 2002 and 2003. Now blogs serve as a factchecker and an organizing tool, and every once and a while they shine light on a story that is being ignored by the traditional media.

  2. So I shouldn’t wear a paper bag over my head to protect my identity? and bring in a couple of strippers ala howard stern?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    On PBS? LOL. You might give them heart attacks.

  4. jason330 says:

    What DD siad,

    “Blogs exsist because newspapers are not doing their jobs.”

    Newspapers are bound to a phony “middle of the road – he said/she said” that people have to come to regard as fraudulent.

  5. RSmitty says:

    Well, I think that we ARE freaks in pajamas, but everything else DD says stands, including the heart attack thing. Especially after they find out DHB is a balding, 50-year-old, 48″ waist, 5’2″ huminoid with folds and wrinkles that makes a Shar Pei look tight-skinned.

  6. DHB? Is this true?
    /snicker, snort

  7. Pandora says:

    Go get ’em, DV!

    BTW, is the show live or pre-recorded? If live, oh my…

    And, to me, Blogs are the ultimate follow-up question.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    I think it is pre recorded. You have to be there at 5:30, or at least that is what my email said. I was invited to join but couldn’t make it that night.

  9. Shirley says:

    I got the e-mail as well. Thank God it is a Friday night in the summer, so no one will be watching.

  10. Oh no…so I need to sit next to the hottest De Libertarian and the hottest DE blogger? Jesus Christ.

  11. Dominique says:

    When will it air? What channel?

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    The program is Delaware Tonight on WHYY.

    Looks like the program is live…for it airs at 5:30.

    Donviti unedited. Now I am scared.

  13. it is not confirmed for Dellib yet…still awaiting verification. You guys aren’t helping our case though!

  14. cassandra m says:

    Who isn’t helping?

    There is only one of us here who has to explain on live TV why he blogs at a political site as Delaware’s Hottest Blogger. Just consider yourself lucky that Tyra won’t be in the house…


  15. Von Cracker says:


    Pass along the details, and don’t pull any tubes beforehand! 😉

  16. No Name for Privacy says:

    Donhoni you tell ’em about the gread humor threads & comments. Also, there is a lot to say about the political importance and effects of blogging (think Daniello). You go Dude!

  17. Shirley says:

    I’m supposed to do a “pre-interview” tomorrow. Who knows, they may not want me after that.

    I think I may need to bring the old man with me so that I don’t stray, being surrounded with all this “hotness” and all. (smile)

  18. I GOT NOTHING YET! what the heck?

  19. jason330 says:

    Tomorrow’s Headline:

    Delaware’s Hottest Blogger Snubbed By TV News Show Nobody Watches