I think jason called it at 10600…damn, he may be right
Dow Crosses Into Bear Market Territory– Reuters
The Dow Jones industrial average of stocks slid on Friday into bear market territory as investors fretted about the impact of record oil prices and mounting credit losses in the financial sector.
Currently the DOW is at 11316.79 AWESOME. I wish we would have privatized Social Security!
I still think that when the DJIA hits 10,600 (the index average when Bush took office) we’ll all wake up, Al Gore will be President and the past 8 years will all have been a bad dream.
Privatize Social Security: Where would we be now if it weren’t for those Democrats who risked all to prevent that from occurring back in 05…….
Is something wrong with the Republican party. Like maybe…. it’s philosophy…….sort of the same stuff Copeland (wind killer) is spouting off now?
You’d still be making a better rate of return than you ever will on Social Security. I mean, if you still think there’s going to be anything left after the Boomers.
You’d still be making a better rate of return than you ever will on Social Security.
Except that Congress can’t approve a COLA increase on your stock market returns.
I think you are technically dead wrong, after inflation.
After inflation we are in the hole. And the rest of the world has us over a barrell. There will be no retirement for anyone.
401-K’s down the tubes! Not good for folks ready to retire. Also, not good for people saving for retirement! No good for people retired drawing on their 401-K’s
So what is good for folks ready to retire? What is good for people saving for retirement:? What is good for people already retired, drawing on the 401 K’s? One word.
We are going to need another FDR after October.