2nd UPDATE: Today’s WNJ on Protack is A Comedy Goldmine

Filed in National by on June 27, 2008

Why doesn’t Protack get that the endorsement of the 619 member Independent Party of Delaware is a curse and not a blessing?

I swear he has the worst political instincts in Delaware. I can’t find it online – so no link.

UPDATE: The NJ still has not posted it. WTF? I just reread the dead tree edition and that story is a freaking riot. Beth Miller must have been laughing her ass off as she typed it up.

UPDATE X 2: The News Journal story is now online.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. RSmitty says:

    While I can appreciate, as a wannabe-prominent-blogger, taking pot-shots at people who can grate your nerves to no end, I just can’t fathom taking down someone in that manner while functioning as the head of an organization. Did you see how Wolf took down Liz, but did so as Chair of IPoD and not as Wolf, individual?

    They are…*.

    I was going to describe them, but something happened in that instant…I think they disappeared into irrelevency. Where’d they go?

  2. delawaredem says:

    Now now Smitty. You’re as “wannabe-prominent” as the rest of us.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    But he’s far enough back that it seems unattainable…

  4. No Name for Privacy says:

    Today the Snooze has coverage of the bru-ha-ha on the front page…above the fold. It doesn’t get any better than that.

  5. jason330 says:

    I don’t have the quote, but I loved the part that said that 2004 IPoD nominating convetion was held in Bulldozer’s Bar in Smyrna where they nominated Frank Infante, owner of Bulldozers.

    I would have liked to hear Infante’s address to the crowd.

    Nominate me and get the fuck out, you sons of bitches!

  6. I can’t find this article on DelawareOnline. Have they not posted it yet?

  7. delawaredem says:

    It doesn’t appear so.

  8. graniaclewbay says:

    I cannot believe how HUGE an article they did on this crap. Wish Ethel Merman was alive to play the part of Liz Allen; Arte Johnson for Wolf and some no-name for Projack. Will his minions be walking with him in the 4th of July parades or just the 4 that nominated him. Go get legit or GTFO.

  9. Steve Newton says:

    Go over the DE Libertarian–Protack and the IPOD have hit the national blogs

  10. Commissioner of Elections Elaine Manlove said her office has no voice in the dispute. The state office assumes the nomination certificate is legitimate, she said, and it will stand unless Protack withdraws or a Chancery Court ruling determines it violates state code.

    Have a great weeekend.

  11. RSmitty says:

    Says (copies/pastes, that is) the man who constantly accuses the state GOP of underhandedness from the top ranks when it comes to nominating conventions.

    I agree with what Tyler proposed. Request it be withdrawn and stand at the convention in front of the members.

    I won’t hold my breath, but please, surprise me.

  12. jason330 says:


    Can’t you see that you are getting on a plane with a bunch of lunatics?

    And for what?

    I’ve been trying to legitimize you since the day after the O’Donnell enabled loss to Ting and you keep fighting me on it.

  13. RSmitty says:

    Jason neglected to add the italicsized part:
    “…I’ve been trying to legitimize you since the day after the O’Donnell enabled loss to Ting for my own, selfish guarantee of a D-win in November, and you keep fighting me on it.”

  14. jason330 says:


    I’m a humanitarian. I’m Professor Henry Higgins, and Protack is the dirty Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle.

  15. RSmitty says:

    OK, so this is troubling. First, I guess I am Pickering and we will wager. That’s not so bad. Second, you will apparently fall for Protack by the close of the play (in November, if he remains IPoD). Dude. If that’s what you want. No worries, though. I am confident enough that I will wager against (ala Colonel Pickering) your success. Let’s hope you will owe me that bet, otherwise, it’s smoochie smooch time for you and “Eliza.”

  16. jason330 says:

    At this point I don’t have much confidence that I’ll be singing, I think he’s got it!

  17. G Rex says:

    McDowell: “Wolfgang is putting meringue on top of bull dung.”

    Love it; good to see the cancer hasn’t affected his wit.

    So any bets on when Liz Allen starts referring to the nomination “convention” as the Gang of Four?

  18. liberalgeek says:

    I’m thinking the more apt literary analogy is to Stephen King’s Carrie. Protack is Carrie, Jason is stuffing the ballot box and Wolfie is Carrie’s unwitting date.

  19. RSmitty says:

    Ooo, that’s good, Geek, ‘cuz I really didn’t want to see Jason falling for “Eliza” Protack.

    BTW, you are still being played by Haley Joel Osment. That much has NOT changed.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    How big of a carriage do the gubernatorial candidates get at Returns Day? And when do we drop the pig blood on him?

  21. RickJ19958 says:

    How big of a carriage do the gubernatorial candidates get at Returns Day? And when do we drop the pig blood on him?

    Well, the past two Return Day’s it was large, but our Governor had a lot of… carriage.