Carney v. Loudell?

Filed in National by on July 1, 2008

A little birdie shot me a note about a post that Allan Loudell has up on his blog.  He is basically begging for an interview with Carney about the eminent domain bill.  Could it be that I can get 15 minutes with Carney about the bill during a recess on the last day of the session and the most influential reporter in Delaware can’t get a call back?  Something is amiss…

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  1. LOL…check my site now.

  2. delawaredem says:

    Now, Geek. Don’t rub it in.

  3. Frickin’ WDEL is a wingnut heaven. Carney is hedging bets.

  4. RickJ19958 says:

    Carney knows he lost this round. If he keeps talking about it, he can’t put the loss behind him.

  5. ElSomnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo says, “Since John Carney studied at the gnarled feet of Ruth Ann Minner (he even learned what a ‘carbunkle’ was), it is not surprising that he has learned to be unavailable for comment. By that tiny measure, he learned from the best Delaware has ever had.

  6. delawaredem says:

    The Somnambulent Deity has so far been incorrect as to the foreseen retirement of the one who loves horses. Does the Deity care to comment?

  7. ElSomnambulo says:

    Ben Ewing doesn’t love horses?

    El Somnambulo knows whereof you speak.

    All things come to those who wait…

  8. The Carney Campaign has scheduled the Lieutenant-Governor on-the-air with me for a few minutes at @ 4:35 p.m. today (Wednesday) here on WDEL Radio.

    Of course, the time is limited, with Traffic and Weather, but I’ll try to ask as much as I can during the time available.

    Thanks, bloggers, for ‘smokin’ him out’, if that’s what happened.

    (It’s also possible the candidate, as Lieutenant-Governor, was just too busy to do media interviews on the final day of the legislative session, and was sleeping/recuperating much of Tuesday… although ‘RickJ19958’ makes a good point too.

    Allan Loudell

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Thanks for visiting Allan. Just let me know if you need to get an interview with some really important person, I can help arrange it… You should see my Rolodex.


  10. jason330 says:

    Allan –

    Ask him how being in favor of “allowance for urban blight/renewal in Wilmington” addresses the fact that the bill was meant to stop the city from using it’s power of eminent domain to grab cheap land for developers?

    His position is just stupid. It doesn’t make sense.

  11. Nancy Willing says:

    I have been meaning to see if Jensen published the letter that was sent to the governor from Chamber of Commerce and other pro-growth lobbyists. He mentioned on air that Pam Scott-Paul Clarky signed on and I want to see who else is represented there.