Delaware Liberal

Has Obama lost his footing ?

That happens when you win the nomination.  It happens to Democrats anyway.

Here is the deal: 

1) His FISA position was a slap in the face to his base. 

2) Wes Clark became the victim of the GOP’s faux-outrage machine because he said that being a pilot does not give you the executive experience to be President.  Rather than fight back – Obama quickly tossed Clark uner the bus. 

Here is kos on the whole deal. 

It looks like Obama is gun-shy after sticking by Jeremiah Wright. Now, he can’t move quickly enough to denounce his own allies. So he’s cross at Wes Clark, and he’s mighty cross at MoveOn as well! Who else will he be cross with as he kicks off “Operation Piss Off the People Supporting and Bankrolling His Campaign In Order To Prove He Hates the Dirty Fucking Hippies”. Now that the primary is over, he can turn his back on the people that brought him.

I was going to max out to him today, given I haven’t given Obama a dime yet (focusing on congressional candidates). But I changed my mind. He wants to send the message that he doesn’t need us, all the power to him. Message received. I’ll spend that $2,300 somewhere else.

Update: I’m curious as to why people think that me saying I won’t give Obama my $2,300 somehow means I’m undermining him. When he gives me a reason to open up my wallet, I will. But I also refuse to reward bad behavior.

When Republicans lost Congress in 2006, Rush Limbaugh bleated that he was happy, that he no longer needed to “carry water” for the GOP. Me, I’ll never carry water for our team. I’ll reward good behavior, and trash bad behavior.

If you want sycophancy, this isn’t your place.

Obama and David Plouffe better get their shit together.  

Speaking to the “center” is one thing – but buying into and endorsing right-wing bullshit and knuckling under to half-wits and losers like Rush Limbaugh, Andrea Mitchell and Laura Ingraham is another.  

PS. Clinton lovers have my permission to rejoice. Just remember, Clinton would not have moved to the right if she won the nomination.  Except for health insurance, she was already there.   





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