I have to think that magazine covers like this are worth more than an editorial in the NYT

Filed in National by on July 2, 2008

…unlike NYT editorials – this magazine cover is in nearly every checkout line in nearly every grocery store inthe country.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSmitty says:

    What more could they say about Angelina and sex during pregnancy?

    C’mon, you know damned well you hesitated to make this post just because of some jackass like me! Admit it!!!!

  2. jason330 says:

    Every post.

  3. RSmitty says:

    That’s right…and don’t you forget it.

  4. G Rex says:

    Also, Obama’s on the cover of Rolling Stone again. What’s next, Tiger Beat? “Win a dream date with Barry!”

  5. No Name for Privacy says:

    Obama doesn’t seem like a bling type of dude…the brother can hardly dance (must be the ‘white side’ showing through).