Open Source Radio Ad: Take 2

Filed in National by on July 2, 2008

I liked the original concept – so this is just a slight tweak.  We’ll need to settle on a final version pretty soon, so do me and pay special attention to the part where Geek enumerates the benefits for the listener. 


(rock guitar music bed quick fade out.)

ME: Hey geek, listen to this new radio ad I’ve come up with to promote Delaware’s premiere political blog, Delaware liberal dot net …(clears throat.) (sings with rock guitar strum in the style of “Wayne’s World” )“DELAWARE LIBERAL,!! DELAWARE LIBERAL!! DELAWARE LIBERAL,!! DELAWARE LIBERAL!!…What do you think?

Geek: I think it’s stupid.


Geek: …yeah yeah…NO.. I hate it.  It doesn’t talk about all the stories we’ve been breaking:

– like turning up the heat on unaccountable politicians like Harris McDowell  and Mike Castle,

 – our In State Wind Farm Advocacy

– our investigative reports that go where the New Journal fears to tread

– our guerilla journalism coverage of the general assembly

– or the great community we’ve built up with our fantastic commenters from across Delaware’s political spectrum and contributors like Delaware Dem, Pandora, Cassandra and Delaware’s Hottest Blogger, Donviti. 

It doesn’t mention any of that. 

ME: Well, no… but it is witty and irreverent like the blog. (sings) “DELAWARE LIBERAL,!! DELAWARE LIBERAL!! DELAWARE LIBERAL,!! DELAWARE LIBERAL!!…

Geek: Would you please stop that.

Me: Okay.

Geek: Thank you..  Visit Delaware liberal dot net ! Still free, and still keep Delaware politicians on notice.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. pandora says:

    Jason, the ad make me laugh, so that’s a good thing.

    One thing I might add is that we cover/discuss National News as well.

  2. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the addition and for the vote of confidence. Not everyone gets my sense of humor.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Oh… It’s supposed to be funny… Now I get it.

  4. delawaredem says:

    I this and the original DL ad on the Sounds page. Both are good.

  5. RSmitty says:

    WTF? I get no nod as a commenter? No one else around here dared point out your masturbatory love…I mean man-crush love for Markell!

    You bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. jason330 says:

    You are the commenter from across Delaware’s political speculum.

  7. RSmitty says:

    So I am just run-of-the-mill, eh? Well, spit on you…and not in your affection-of-Markell sort-of-way, either.

  8. Disbelief says:

    What gets the most attention, and the celebrities know it, is tabloid articles about their love lives next to announcements of Loch Ness monster sightings.

    How about a tabloid style expose of the love triangle of Jason, geek and donviti with a happy picture of Jason and geek holding hands on a beach in some fabulous part of the world with an inset of DV giving one of his sultry, pouty super-model poses in the background with the headline “WILL CORRUPT POLITICIANS BENEFIT FROM THE LOVE TROUBLES AT DELAWARE LIBERAL?” or, “BLUE WATER WIND OR BLUE BALL BAYOU?”.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    ouch! But you may be on to something. Donviti as Batboy!

  10. Nancy Willing says:

    I was down at the Newark Co-op the other day and discussed their long-running ad for the Sunday farmer’s market with the finance manager. The one that has the dorky song and unpolished guitar…it is a solid hit. Who knew?
    Your ad will be great.

  11. G Rex says:

    Nancy, you mean the “Newark Natural Foods, you are what you eat, eat well” spot? That one drives me crazy!