Delaware Liberal

Yet Another Heartless Corporation

We all know about the theft of the truckloads of chicken from the Food Bank of Delaware last week.   The trucks and the chicken were recovered near Jersey City, NJ, but the truckloads of chicken were spoiled and had to be thrown away.  From the News Journal:

Waste Management and the Delaware Solid Waste Authority’s Cherry Island Landfill refused [the Food Bank’s] request to waive a $3,000 disposal fee, Beebe said.

State Rep. William A. Oberle Jr., R-Beechers Lot, whose district includes the food bank, led representatives to the rescue, she said. Oberle and Reps. Gerald W. Hocker, R-Ocean View; Robert F. Gilligan, D-Sherwood Park; Gregory F. Lavelle, R-Sharpley; and Helene M. Keeley, D-Wilmington South, paid the fee with grants.

That is just disgusting.  Those at WM and the DE Solid Waste Authority should be ashamed of themselves.   And it is actions like this that earn corporations their deserved reputation of being heartless.  And it is actions like this that lead us liberals to not trust the good will of corporations.

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