Delaware Liberal

Apparently reading half the story is typical…

So everyone wanted to blast me for my wildly (insert feigned exagerration) inappropriate comments. But everyone in there zest and fondness of wanting to admire a Father that treated his son like roadkill failed to read all the facts and I FEEL missed some key things while they were on their knees servicing Lofink for his admirable comments. 

Did everyone miss this part of the story?  Or did you just choose to give the paisano a pass?

According to reports cited by Sleet, the father, Vincent A. Lofink, “was overbearing and physically and emotionally abusive. … He beat you with a class ring, whipped you with a belt and kicked you with his wingtips.”

Awwww, what a guy with his little, tough love statement.

But call me crazy for a second when I read this;

…stole more than $1.2 million of state money, which federal prosecutors say paid for cosmetic surgery, expensive cars, clothing, jewelry and start-up money for a tanning business.

I sort of go um ok, Mr. Tough love, where were you when you noticed your son had a new F’ing nose?  Did you think his health care paid for it b/c he snorted to much of the yamyam, the rick james special, had too many sugar boogers?  UM, how about when he rolled up in a nice new car, (A Porche Cayenne people 65k!) for Ravioli on Easter? UM, maybe Mr. Tough love wasn’t available to instill his fatherly brand of “country before family” when he was tanning in his son’s new 8 min tan machine…

Lofink, who made about $31,000 a year as a state accounting specialist

Yep, Mr. Lofink, my heart pumps something for you buddy.  Politicians are politicians no matter if it is at he national level or local.

“Tony needs to pay for the shameful things he’s done,” the elder Lofink said in a statement. “I hope he uses his time in prison to reflect on his transgressions and that he’ll emerge as someone who wants to become a productive, law-abiding citizen.”

This guy Vinnie, turned a blind eye to his son and when he gets caught says this?  Disgracia!

Finance Department officials said it took so long to discover Lofink’s fraud because he did a good job of forging claim documents and avoiding procedural red flags

It took so long b/c his father had blinders on and everyone else around him did too.  So pathetic.  This reminds me of all you people pouring your hearts out for the Elite Liberal from Ma.  Now when his son is going to jail he has this to say?  Why didn’t he turn in his son before?  Didn’t he recognize that something was up when his son is rolling in dough?  I’m not excusing this 30 year old kid for what he did at all, but Vinnie here aint some shiny 18k gold Itialian Horn charm you buy at the Italian festival. 

My 28 year old son rolls up in a new 330i BMW, has a Cayenne Porche, owns a tanning salon, get’s a new nose (don’t really know if it was a nose but go with me), and has new clothes every time I see him I start to ask questions.  I especially start to ask questions when I know he has had drug problems or when I GOT HIM HIS FREAKING $31K A YEAR JOB and when I am a politician who’s career would be on the line. 

I don’t cut my son off with a tough love statement like he is crappy bait that has been in the water too long on the day of his court hearing.  I’m disgusted as a parent, as a sibling to someone with drug problems and as a son that has succumbed to a similar environment…

AS a parent I can understand taking a stand and how hard it would be to cut the cord.  I don’t for a second believe however as a parent that you don’t take some of the blame when you know god damned well that you beat your own child countless times and that emotional stress had to play some part in why he turned out who/what he is today. 

My statement would go something like this:

“I am appalled at what has happened here.  I raised my son the best I could.  I did what I thought was right at the time.  In hindsight I wish I could have done things differently.  “Tony I love you buddy, with all my heart I love you, son”  I trusted you one to many times I guess.  I was blinded by my love and affection for you as an Italian father.  I hope that you come out of this ok, buddy.  I really do.  I hope that your time away straightens you out.  When you come out, I’ll be waiting for you and hope that I can be a better father to you.  I’m sorry it had to happen this way.  It is not how I envisioned my life nor yours.  Again I love you son, come home when you are cleaned up”

But that’s just me, I’m an Italian Catholic and riddled with guilt

Instead we get this:

“Tony needs to pay for the shameful things he’s done,” the elder Lofink said in a statement. “I hope he uses his time in prison to reflect on his transgressions and that he’ll emerge as someone who wants to become a productive, law-abiding citizen.”

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