Bush does something else his faja didn’t do

Filed in National by on July 3, 2008

“Mr. Bush received a 66% disapproval rating in The Wall Street Journal/NBC poll for June, tying his own record for the highest ever for any president in the Journal/NBC poll. The previous highs were a 56% rating for Mr. Bush’s father in late 1992, and a 50% score for President Clinton in 1993. In the long-running Gallup Poll, Mr. Bush’s disapproval rating reached 69% this spring — a record going back to the Truman administration.

the white house reaction:

“White House aides contend that polling methods fail to sufficiently sample their sympathizers, noting that the gap between self-identifying Democrats and Republicans tends to close dramatically in Election Day exit polling.

Translation:  Had you interviewed more people that like Bush, and not done some statistical sampling method used by 100% of the other polling companies, those numbers wouldn’t have been so low

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hiding in the open

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    I didn’t realize that there were 44% idiot’s out there.
    Come to think about that seems very scary.

  2. RAY K> says:

    So wall street likes the president who transferred half SEC staff to homeland security and cut their operating budget to the bone, who needs those pesky rules and regulations when you are only dealing with trillions of dollars of investor money. The honor system works just fine.

  3. Art Downs says:

    There was a book entitled ‘Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds’ that should make people question popular opinions as an indicator of truth.

    While not every act of the President has pleased me, I know that politics will always be the art of the possible. I worked in behalf of both his campaigns and do not regret doing so.

    One can always play to the mob, follow poll results in the mode of a weathervane and be immensly popular in the short run. The glib and glittering candidate can usually beat the staid and less charismatic but principled and cerebral opponent. Jackson did take more popular and electoral votes then J. Q. Adams but he was a dreadful person who created a permanent end to the Era of Good Feelings.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Of course, you could use the Iraq war or electing Bush twice as a mob/crowd mentality. I know that you know that cuts both ways, Art.

  5. RickJ19958 says:

    I didn’t realize that there were 44% idiot’s out there.
    Come to think about that seems very scary.

    Is this funny because 66% + 44% = 110%?

    Yes, it is.

  6. Truth Teller says:

    Yes it is funny but just a TYPO

  7. mike w. says:

    Of course you ignore the fact that the Democratic Congress is even less popular than Bush.

  8. yawn,

    51-50 majority means everything can be veto’d and has been. Try again, I’m not a fool like you.

    look up henry waxman and tell me he hasn’t done anything…you bore me

    rinse repeat talking points

  9. mike w. says:

    Like usual I make a claim and you refute it with emotional rhetoric, ad homiems, and personal attacks.

    I can tell that making a clear, consice, rational argument doesn’t mean much to you. Still, I’ll backup the claim I made above even though I’m sure you’ll summarily ignore it with some comment like “yawn, I’m not a fool like you.” How childish.


  10. yawn, i’m no fool

    there is that better? did I hurt your feelings?

    so go try and change the subject somewhere else.

    The President sucks. So did his daddy

    and for the record I know how Congress works with non veto majority, my guess is that a majority of this country doesn’t. apparently including you

  11. oh and it’s ad hominems 😛

  12. mike w. says:

    Just who’s changing the subject? The article is about popularity/approval ratings and you’re talking about congressional vetoes.

    Again, I pointed out that the Democratic Congress has an approval rating far worse than Bush. Your response was “yawn, I’m not a fool like you,” “you bore me” rinse, repeat talking points.” You then repeated this childish banter again rather than engage in a discussion on the topic at hand. This is what I’d expect from someone who can’t form a logical argument and present it respectfully like an adult.

    “The President sucks” – OK I agree with you on that, but at the same time he’s not some evil, facist dictator like the left makes him out to be.

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    “Of course you ignore the fact that the Democratic Congress is even less popular than Bush.”

    And you ignore the fact that it’s less popular with Democrats than with Republicans. Look it up.

  14. Al Mascitti says:

    “he’s not some evil, facist dictator like the left makes him out to be.”

    No, that would be Cheney. Bush is a clueless enabler.

  15. the article may be about that, BUT my post isn’t

  16. mike w. says:

    “the article may be about that, BUT my post isn’t”

    I know. That was precisely my point.

  17. mike w. says:

    Al – As far as fascism goes Obama has more of the characteristics of your average fascists than Bush.