Delaware Liberal

Campaigning for Vice President Biden

Two weeks ago, on Face the Nation, Joe Biden tells the world he’d say Yes if asked by Barack Obama to be his VP:

“If the presidential nominee thought I could help him win, am I going to say to the first African-American candidate about to make history in the world that, ‘No, I will not help you out like you want me to?'” Biden said. “Of course I’ll say yes.”

Now, I still think Biden could be a great VP choice, but suspect that he’s something of a long shot. If one of the reasons Obama is looking to run a 50 state campaign is to make sure he helps as many downticket Dems as possible, it seems reasonable that his VP committee would be looking for someone who could credibly carry the flag in 2016. Biden would be in his 70’s then, about the age that McCain is now and it is tough to figure how that might play.

But someone is a huge fan of candidate VP Biden. Huge enough of a fan to produce a few You Tube videos to try to sell the Obama/Biden Team:


And there’s more: Hope & History, and another version of Change and Experience.

These pretty well done videos were created by a guy who was evidently in the CQ VP Madness Pool General Wesley Clark came from behind to win it at the last minute. Apparently, Wes Clark was pretty closely in the hunt on this thing all the way through, which surprises me. I know he has alot of admirers and he is in huge demand to campaign for downticket Dems — I just hadn’t heard his name too much for this role. But too bad we didn’t know about this VP pool — we could have had a blast with this thing (and a bunch of you would have owed me ALOT of money).

FYI —in the GOP edition of this pool, Mike Huckabee won convincingly.

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