Campaigning for Vice President Biden

Filed in National by on July 6, 2008

Two weeks ago, on Face the Nation, Joe Biden tells the world he’d say Yes if asked by Barack Obama to be his VP:

“If the presidential nominee thought I could help him win, am I going to say to the first African-American candidate about to make history in the world that, ‘No, I will not help you out like you want me to?'” Biden said. “Of course I’ll say yes.”

Now, I still think Biden could be a great VP choice, but suspect that he’s something of a long shot. If one of the reasons Obama is looking to run a 50 state campaign is to make sure he helps as many downticket Dems as possible, it seems reasonable that his VP committee would be looking for someone who could credibly carry the flag in 2016. Biden would be in his 70’s then, about the age that McCain is now and it is tough to figure how that might play.

But someone is a huge fan of candidate VP Biden. Huge enough of a fan to produce a few You Tube videos to try to sell the Obama/Biden Team:


And there’s more: Hope & History, and another version of Change and Experience.

These pretty well done videos were created by a guy who was evidently in the CQ VP Madness Pool General Wesley Clark came from behind to win it at the last minute. Apparently, Wes Clark was pretty closely in the hunt on this thing all the way through, which surprises me. I know he has alot of admirers and he is in huge demand to campaign for downticket Dems — I just hadn’t heard his name too much for this role. But too bad we didn’t know about this VP pool — we could have had a blast with this thing (and a bunch of you would have owed me ALOT of money).

FYI —in the GOP edition of this pool, Mike Huckabee won convincingly.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Dana says:

    Yeah, I’m sure that Mr Obama is worried about Delaware’s three electoral votes! 🙂

    We’ve seen just how electrifying a candidate Mr Biden was in his own presidential campaigns.

  2. Sagacious Steve says:

    I think Biden has a genuine shot to be picked. Here’s why:

    Foreign Policy Bona Fides? Check.

    Ability to Attract Ethnic Blue Collar Voters? Check.

    Willingness to Play Attack Dog? Double Check.

    I’m far from the biggest Biden partisan out there, but he brings some real pluses to the ticket. He may well attract enough voters in Michigan and Ohio to seal the deal for Obama.

    And, can you imagine how that might shake things up in Delaware? Does (or can) Biden run for both Senator and VP? If not, who takes his spot? Does the primary battle for governor go away? Does Mike Castle gin up (although that term seems more suited for Bill Lee) for a Senate run? Does Lammott Irenee duPont Copeland throw his ascot into the ring?

  3. Dominique says:

    I love Joe Biden. I think he’s refreshingly honest. Unfortunately, that translates to ” gaffe machine” in the world of politics. I also think that, while he’s probably pretty popular among many Obama supporters, he’s a departure from the youthful exuberance thing. Translate: he’s too old and established to be a symbol of the exciting Change! message.

  4. RickJ19958 says:

    Biden can (and would) run for both offices if Obama chose him.

  5. kavips says:

    As I have said before, and it certainly bears reminding, the Vice President’s job has evolved considerably since it was given to Dan Quayle by Lee Attwater’s 1988 campaign……

    The job evolved under the Clinton- Gore administration, and continued evolving during the Cheney-Bush tenure.

    Currently the Vice President is an “actual” second in command position, one that can troubleshoot for the president himself. no longer shuffled to a back office, after a meeting he has the last access to the president himself.

    I am afraid that as a nation, a world, a planet, that we have evolved to a point,where going back to picking the VP to win elections, may actually cost the candidate the election.

    “Ha, ha, ha…look who he picked as VP?”

    Biden is one of the few who could continue steering this country in Obama’s direction, should something bizarre actually happen.

    Although those whose politics are outside the mainstream may see him as he has been portrayed solely by the” dumb” element of the media, synonymous with terms like “gaffe” machine,… those who understand the real politics of getting something done, see him to be a good match.

  6. liz allen says:

    Biden’s position on Russia is highly questionable. This morning a russian expert for 40 yrs talked about Russia and Reagun bringing our two countries to peace of decades of cold war. He was in Moscow when the two met and agreed “neither country won the cold war and both wanted to end the nuclear proliferation around the world”. Under Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2, citizens of the US have falsely been told the “US won the cold war”. That statement has infuriated Russia and the russian people.

    Is Biden supportive of Bush’s plan to move NATO closer to the Russian border. Poland, Czeks people do not want these horrific sites on their land. Biden has supported the push for NATO, to move closer to Russia, therefore causing Russian to hate us.

    Bush insituted the neo con “League of Democracies”, that is supposed to take the place of the UN, why, because China and Russia have veto power in the UN. The US imperialistic views of the world is causing this country to be hated worldwide. Obama has to rethink his position on Russia because right now, he too is on board with McMad to continue making Russia a second or third class nation. If they would pull those sites out of Europe in dispute, it would be one major step in making Russia a friend not an enemy. So Biden as VP would just continue to push that Clinton/Bush neo con agenda and their imperialistic views of the world.

  7. posthumous peter says:

    Just in case no one has said it lately, Liz, you are certifiably f.cking nuts. I bet you poop shells.

  8. G Rex says:

    Biden doesn’t have a chance of being picked as veep, because he’d totally overshadow the candidate. SecState, perhaps, but Obama has to find someone with even less experience than himself – someone like, oh, Caroline Kennedy? The bonus is that she helps evoke the idea that Obama is the second coming of JFK.

  9. Stella Bluez says:

    I think Biden does have a chance…an outside chance……

    The biggest complaint I hear is Obama’s lack of experience…..he should chose a VP that brings that very thing to the ticket.

    He has the youth support, he will keep them fired up….he needs to bring in the older crowd….

    Biden offers loads of experience, he is very respected among international leaders & foreign policy makers & he did very well as a candidate at the debates…..

    And he sure has been making himself known as an attack dog (he can be pretty good with the one-liners, he had arguably the best one of the primary campaign with the Guiliani slam).

    Of course I don’t think he will be the VP choice… I hope Obama chooses well……

  10. cassandra m says:

    those who understand the real politics of getting something done, see him to be a good match.

    This is why I see Biden as perhaps the most promising of the bunch being considered (stipulating that no one really knows yet). I think that he has an unbeatable wiring diagram of DC, established relationships everywhere to move projects down the road, and a good record of working with people.

    I just want to know if Biden could have a redo, would he filibuster Clarence Thomas’ appointment to the Supreme Court….

    Plus, if Biden is tapped, his replacement gets picked by a Dem Governor, so no worries about upsetting any majority.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Not sure why they decided to tap into this, but the LA Times decided to address the Biden double campaign conundrum.