Better QOD

Filed in National by on July 8, 2008

who was your favorite teacher when you were a kid (not college)?

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hiding in the open

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    My high school chemistry teacher, Mr. Clawson or my middle school computer/English teacher, Mrs. Covelli. Both were excellent role models and each taught me something different about life.

  2. isn’t favorite singular?

  3. Rebecca says:

    Mrs. Satinsky, 7th & 8th Grade English. What a great teacher and I lucked out and had her two years in a row. She took us all to the Philadelphia Free Library and taught us how to do research for term papers. She also arranged visits to the Rare Books Room at the PFL and if you’ve never gone it is a great experience. Ya gotta call first to make a reservation and the group size is limited, but they have really cool stuff there and the curators are great. Oh, they have Charles Dickens’ desk there. I go back from time to time after all these years and it still bowls me over.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    As an adolescent – Mrs. Klein, my neighbor’s wife.

    She taught me a lot! 😉

  5. delawaredem says:

    Ms. Allison, my ninth grade Alegbra teacher.

  6. Disbelief says:

    Mrs. Robinson. She didn’t teach school, though.

    Coo coo cachoo.

  7. DUH!!! says:

    Miss Rosemary Scully, elementary school library who warned us never to buy anything on credit. Also, being a daugher of Erin she danced the ‘jig’ on St. Patrick’s Day. Would’t let those who failed to where green on that holy day into her classroom.

    Also, Miss Cochrane, kindergarten, she wore a scarf pinned to her belt and dosed it with perfume. When she walked by her scarf fluttered and emitted that lovely scent.

    Oh, yes and Mrs. Sacco, art teacher, who, if you were ‘overworking’ your project would pass by, whirl her finger over the table and annouce ‘Too much gingerbread.’ Good advice even today.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane…..