Iran has missles, let’s build better ones!

Filed in National by on July 9, 2008

(pandora stole my thunder but who cares)

OH MY GOD, IRAN HAS MISSLES!  Call me crazy but when we move ships into the region, run sqaudron after squadron of our F-18’s off the Kennedy, circle submarines in the area, play war games off the coast of Iran, isn’t that a teensy, weensy bit agressive and provoking?  Nahh, we are the US, it couldn’t be. 

Could you imagine a country pre-emptively attacking another country!? We need to stop them before they attack someone first!

From Mr. Judgement:

“Iran’s most recent missile tests demonstrate again the dangers it poses to its neighbors and to the wider region, especially Israel. Ballistic missile testing coupled with Iran’s continued refusal to cease its nuclear activities should unite the international community in efforts to counter Iran’s dangerous ambitions.
Iran’s missile tests also demonstrate the need for effective missile defense now and in the future, and this includes missile defense in Europe as is planned with the Czech Republic and Poland. Working with our European and regional allies is the best way to meet the threat posed by Iran, not unilateral concessions that undermine multilateral diplomacy.”

Can someone tell me, why we have to play “protect the poor Jews”?  Call me crazy, but can’t those guys protect themselves pretty damn well?  Also, haven’t we been researching that Star Wars defense thing long enough to know it doesn’t work? Sort of like the Osprey…

From your next President:

“There’s no doubt we’re seeing rising tensions in the area, and it’s part of the reason why it’s so important for us to have a coherent policy with respect to Iran. It has to combine much tougher threats of economic sanctions with direct diplomacy, opening up channels of communication so that we avoid provocation but we give strong incentives for the Iranians to change their behavior. We’ve got to have the kind of aggressive diplomacy that unfortunately has been absent over the last several years.”


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hiding in the open

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  1. osprey international | July 20, 2008
  1. Disbelief says:

    You have evidently missed the quality diplomacy that has been practiced under the Bush administration. A couple of years ago, Cheney went to Iraq and said, “Give my friends (and myself) incredibly lucrative contracts on all your oil.” The Iraqi bastards actually refused this very reasonable offer. The same type of skilled subtle displomacy has been used on Iran. Since these guys evidently can’t understand reasonable offers, I guess we have to attack them in order to prevent them attacking us before we attack them but after we’re attacked. Unless they attack us first, which they won’t if we counterattack but firstly. Sort of.

  2. mike w. says:

    Obama’s statement is hopelessly naive. It sounds like something Carter would say.

  3. pandora says:

    Well, Mike, hope you’re ready to enlist.

  4. mike w. says:

    riiiiigggghhtt, because we’re actually going to attack Iran and institute a draft.

    I don’t think someone with cerebral palsy would be able to enlist. Just a hunch.

    Oh, and those “damn Jews” are surrounded by people who hate them, who constantly send terrorists into Israel and who openly call for the obliteration of the Jews. They realize, unlike some liberals, that Obama’s “fluffy bunny” foreign policy approach doesn’t work with people who’s goal in life is to kill you.

  5. pandora says:

    Mike, stop stirring up crap. No one on this post used the term “damn jews”. Those are your words.

  6. mike w. says:

    Ok. poor Jews then.

    Can someone tell me, why we have to play “protect the poor Jews”?”

    Afraid to actually discuss things? We play “protect the poor Jews” because they’re surrounded by an entire region of hostile nations who don’t recognize Israels right to exist and who want them wiped off the map. If anything we have an obligation to protect them.