Iran Test-Fires Missiles

Filed in National by on July 9, 2008

A few weeks ago I wrote about a knot tightening in my stomach. Well, its now moved into my throat.

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran test-fired nine long- and medium-range missiles Wednesday during war games that officials said aimed to show the country can retaliate against any U.S. and Israeli attack, state television reported.

Gen. Hossein Salami, the air force commander of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, said the exercise would “demonstrate our resolve and might against enemies who in recent weeks have threatened Iran with harsh language,” the TV report said.

I guess we can’t act surprised. After all, Bush and Co. have been signaling for months this was coming. When will we learn that this administration means every crazy thing it says? Did we learn nothing from the run-up to Iraq? This lunacy transparency is how the Bush Presidency works. They say something crazy. We say, that’s crazy and it won’t happen. Then it happens, we act shocked, and they say, hey, weren’t you listening?

Is anybody listening?

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. DAMN IT…you beat me to it! crud

  2. Dominique says:

    I wonder if this is their way of getting a fat incentive package. I see the WH has already come out and insinuated something along those lines. Isn’t that what happened with N. Korea?

    To be honest, I’m less worried about Bushco reacting that I am about Israel reacting. Someone needs to put a lid on the situation, stat.

  3. liz allen says:

    If the US is so worried about Iran how come we ship them all kinds of goods, weapons etc.

    Israel and the US have been provoking Iran for decades..Iran is showing its resolve, they will not be bullied, are showing they are not weak like Iraq. Russia and China will get into the act, standing with Iran not the US…in fact the foreign press reports that the CIA and special forces are already in Iran, provoking violence. Same MO, different country.

  4. pandora says:

    Dom, I think that’s always been the plan. Israel reacts and we rush to her defense. Scary stuff.

  5. G Rex says:

    A-jad also said the other day that he’s not worried about the US because it will take 30 years for us to recover from George W Bush’s presidency. He may be a complete nut job, but that’s some funny shit!

  6. Tom S says:

    If it makes you feel any better they probably can’t miniaturize anything, shall we say, interesting, to put on those missiles. Iraq threw a fist-full of modified scuds at Israel during the first Gulf War and it didn’t really do anything.

    This is a step on the way to a much scarier Iran, but it is only a step in that direction and not an arrival.

  7. so you’d be worried if they did something pre emptively to defend themselves?

  8. pandora says:

    Sure about that, Tom? Tell me what “step” preceded our going into Iraq?

    What scares me is that this “step” by Iran seems to be what Israel and the US have been waiting for.

  9. Tom S says:

    DMAB – depends what that preemptive action was, if it involved firing missiles at another country or sending more weapons to Iraq I think we would have to respond, short of that I think we can still keep our credibility without running a few sorties over their nuclear sites

    pandora – along with the lack of political will we do not have the spare troops for this right. If for no other reason war with Iran will not come. Bombing Iran may come, but war will not.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Gee, a sovereign nation defending itself.

    ¡Que Provocativo!

  11. pandora says:

    Just bombing? Whew! I bet the Iranian people are so relieved!

    Also, isn’t bombing one of the leading causes of war?

  12. Truth Teller says:

    If we stop to consider McCain’s Bomb Bomb Iran and the Jewish states recent statements. We are lucky that the leaders of Iran are not like Bush for if they were it would seem that they would have cause to attack us and Israel. Much as Bush did with Iraq.

  13. Truth Teller says:

    Also i see that FISA passed the Senate it seems that our elected officials who swore to uphold the Constitution have not read Article ONE Section NINE of that document.

  14. Tom S says:

    Von Cracker – defending themselves from what? We havn’t done anything and if they stop doing stupid things we won’t do anything.

    pandora – fair point, bombing sucks and would lead Iran to fund the fell out of Hezbollah but we’re not talking invasion. Remember Libya, all things considered, it could have been worse.

    Truth Teller – I don’t even know what that means. If they thought taking overt action against us was in their best interest they probably would have done it by now.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    It’s all about US, huh, Tom?

    I don’t know, Israel, Russia, India, Egypt, Sunnis (a majority within the Islamic world…Mr. McCain), hording tribes from the Caucasus :]

    Though, I’m pretty confident Iran won’t make the first strike.

  16. pandora says:

    Agreed, VC.