McCain Thinks

Filed in National by on July 10, 2008

Check out this video of McCain caught in a question that he couldn’t answer.  Perhaps it was a senior moment, but it was a pretty uncomfortable few minutes of interview.


Earlier Dominique made a reference to What a good surrogate Carly Fiorina is.  To an extent, I agree.  She is smart, but she doesn’t seem to be in sync with her candidate and doesn’t stay on message particularly well.  I guess that’s a CEO for ya.

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  1. pandora says:

    Is McCain capable of answering a question??? That was very uncomfortable, but really, how could he answer? He’s courting the far right who’s against birth control. Can you say Catch 22?

    He had two choices: answer honestly or look like an ass. McCain chose the second option.

  2. cassandra m says:

    She is smart, but she doesn’t seem to be in sync with her candidate and doesn’t stay on message particularly well.

    Which is remarkably similar to what folks had to say about her when she was insisting on the disastrous HP-Compaq merger. Shortly we will hear from some McCain surrogate that the fact that birth control is not covered by insurance is just another figment of our imaginations.

  3. Another Mike says:

    There is it, the Straight Balk Express.

  4. Dominique says:

    Is it really not covered? I thought I remembered only having a co-pay. I’m so out of the loop. That tubal was the best thing EVER. Like a bag of bricks lifted off my chest.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    As much as I am loathe to do so, I’ll defend Pop-Pop John. Not on his position but on this particular clip. It seems as though if someone pauses to reflect on a question or takes a momenet to try to recall some piece of esoteric infomation on some health care vote who-knows-how-many years ago they are immediately labeled retarded or a bullshit artist.

    Perhaps he needed to actually think about it and offer a thoughtful response. Then we can parse it, ridicule it, and basically tear him to shreds… but I’ll cut him a break here.

  6. Rebecca says:

    Any woman who votes for McCain is simply crazy.

  7. dg,

    hmmm, I could see him deliberating whether some type of fetal surgery but, deliberating why he voted against Birth Control to be covered? Why couldn’t he just state his opinion?

    It was a BAD week for McSame and he just handed Obama quite a few voters with that last one. He was paralyzed not just pensive and thoughtful….IMO

  8. Another Mike says:

    He voted against it twice. He knows damn well where he stands, but what you saw in his head was his no-win situation: support coverage of birth control and piss off the base (as well as add another flip flop to his record) or oppose coverage and piss off the women (and the rest of us who can’t understand why Viagra is covered and birth control is not).

  9. Disbelief says:

    I heard the clip on NPR, obviously no video. The pause seemed more than a mere ‘reflection’ as proposed by Dorian. On radio, without facial clues, it did indeed sound like a senior moment.

  10. Dorian Gray says:

    Fair enough. Consider me swayed. If he voted against it twice he’s more than likely covering it up.

  11. that was almost too easy 🙂

    man times have changed, did something happen over the weekend?

  12. Disbelief says:

    It sounded more like he had no idea what Viagra was. Of course, this could be considered a compliment, as I have no need for Viagra and probably never will. Pershaps McCain was blessed with the same stud-hood as I.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Read this:

    And I agree, McCain’s campaign should be all but over.